Its bad when I've forgotten how crazy life is when you're working. Then again, I haven't walked/stood so much that everything from the kneecap down feels like molten led since my first days at Basic Training. Went ahead and spent the money I didn't really have to get new shoes and some thick socks to maybe help not kill my feet so badly. May go back and get another set of shoes so I can trade off and let one pair 'breath and recover' while the other pair gets worn into the ground for the day.
Anyway, on to more important things like belated birthday wishes to
discodiva76 and
mcalex22; hope you both had a wonderful day.
Also, I'm trying to keep up with the garden. Nothing is ready to pick yet but I am slowly starting to get veggies or close to having veggies. If the size of the squash and zucchini plants are any indication of how they'll produce, I'll be having a lot of squash and zucchini dishes in my future. Compare the
plantings at 3.5 weeks ago to this:
There's three more pictures from today's little photo shoot in
the album too.
And damn, I just realized that I need to do laundry so I have a nice shirt for tomorrow - my first day at the Hattiesburg Lowe's to learn cashiering. *grumble* At least I have a nice lunch to look forward to tomorrow: my brother-in-law's chicken enchiladas with a little lettuce for greenery and some pineapple chunks for a desserty thing... and a mini kit-kat bar for the always necessary shot of chocolate.