1. I will be signing the rental agreement tomorrow as well as getting utilities turned on. So, Tuesday night (actually that will be about 1:15am Wed. morning) I'll be going back to mine own house to sleep the sleep of the late shift. Even if the only things I have in the house are an air mattress, some blankets and a couple of microwave dinners.... I'll be a very happy camper. Though... it would have been nice to know it was ready for me to sign on Friday.... but oh well.
2. This means I need to get a new soccer ball for Jeter der Vundermutt so we can play in the back yard.
3. The Puddlejumper has it's new battery and I'm hoping I didn't kill it in the process because it's sitting there with the "White Screen of WTF?". Snooping around various forums, it doesn't seem to be the kiss of death for my little PDA, but the USB port on it is running a little hotter than I remember it doing. So, I'll either have my portable fic writing toy back or I'll have a molten lump of ex-PDA.... we'll see.
4. Apparently professional South Mississippians are not big on calling people back. The structural engineering folks I called last week never did get back to me. So, I've found a couple other places to try and will do so come Monday. And thus the actual home ownership thing gets pushed back even further.
5. The blowing up of a transformer and subsequent loss of power to the platemachines make for a very not so fun 20 mintues of "what's wrong with the Barco?". Thankfully the transition back to commercial power was gentler than the abrupt switch to nothing and then generators. And bonus, my supervisor was actually here when the problem happened and helped me get everything working again. WooHoo!
6. Monday is also 'get my MMR titer results' day. This will hopefully say that yes, I was indeed innoculated against Measles, Mumps and Rubella and can I please go ahead and finish registering for college now. Although, at this point... if they tell me I can't start until next semester, I won't be all that upset because...
7. I might have mentioned this before, but I was under the assumption that school started here in September. That way I could take a few more days to play in Vancouver in August and not have to worry about jetting right back for class. Well... school starts August 23rd. My projected time to be up there; the week after.
8. Did I mention the moving into my house? Yes? Well it bears repeating. I hope to also have the phonelines working so I can at least dial in to the internet and surf in peace. I'm debating on the next major purchase for the house: TV or Bed. I'm leaning towards TV as I can always do the air mattress thing... I just can't let the cats in the room or let Jeter jump up on it.