It's taken me a ridiculously long time to do this, especially since I only managed two fills this round (though I have a literal MS Word doc with twenty two prompts staring at me with "we're not angry, just disappointed" eyes). These were the two prompts I couldn't let slip away though, both of them outside of my comfort range and pretty unlike anything I've written before, which was half the fun.
Love Tokens - my attempt at contributing to the thriving J2 serial killer fic business. Serial killers are generally not my jam, but apparently a prompt that offered the prospect of a serial killer wooing a non serial killer with inappropriate gifts of hearts in boxes was a hotline straight to my fingers. I just loved that idea of someone even deeply weirder than a serial killer whose strangeness just doesn't happen to take the form of killing. Also a chance to rip off Edgar Allan Poe wasn't to be sniffed at. I tried a couple of new things with this, and let the bit of me that really likes indulging in dense prose out of it's box for the day.
No Pain, No Gains - originally called Protein Shake Party, this is the single schmoopiest thing I've ever written, bar absolutely none, and reader, I revelled in it. This is 100% the story of two people who on the surface have little in common, gradually coming to understand each other through working on a shared project (in this case upgrading Jared's body) and very carefully beginning to let themselves grow. Yeah, not my usual style at all. I'm not one for forced misunderstandings or accidental fucking up, so in one sense this is probably very boring, but sometimes it's nice to let people have a decently straight path, and it's something I really enjoyed writing.