Mar 19, 2014 12:11
I'm staying at my parents' house this week, which means that Max comes into my room and meows his head off obnoxiously early every morning. This morning it was 5 a.m., which was not as irritating as it would have been had he not woken me up from a dream where I was in a basement filled with spiders. Not just any spiders, but big ones, with big, sticky webs. The biggest one was about the size of an egg, black on top with a bright red belly sprinkled with black polka dots. Also, wings. Big, beautiful butterfly wings. I had dropped my phone under the stairs, and was trying to figure out how to get it without having to go through all of the icky spider webs, and then somehow Mike Holmes and his crew were there, and they were going to call in someone to fix the spider problem, because one that was in a couch (I didn't see it), was a very deadly spider called a Moll.
In related news, I am very grateful that spiders do not actually have wings.
The above was written about two weeks ago, and when LJ restored it from draft form, I laughed, because I opened the update page to talk about the dream I had this morning. In the dream I had this morning, something bad was happening in the rather commune-like apartment complex where I was living, and it meant that I had to sleep in the same bed as a guy who was being infected with some supernatural virus that meant he sort of changed into a blobby tentacle monster, but not all at once, and not all the time. So we would be kind of cuddled up in the bed with this other girl who slept on the other side of him, and he would be normal, and then his face or arm or whatever would go all blobby and bloop down onto me, and then it would go back to normal, and then bloop, and then back. I didn't like it, but I had to stay with him in order to protect the rest of the people. Also, at one point, I was filling up this skull with Barbie heads, and I got really frustrated because the Barbie heads kept falling out of the eye sockets.
Brain, I don't even know what is up with you.