Hi, LJ! It's been two months, but that is not really that long, right? I am always caught up on my FL, but posting is not high priority. As always, there is too much to say/nothing of specific interest to anyone, so let's have bullet points. Without bullets.
- Had a week's holiday at the beginning of July. Went to
Haliburton School of the Arts and took a week-long class on dyeing yarn. It was awesome. Really, really awesome. Like, it was hot, and the dye room was hotter, and having it next to the glass-blowing studio made it even hotter, so I spent a lot of time being hot, but man. So fun. The teacher is a full-time
yarn dyer who specializes in colours named after pop culture references (specializing in Joss Whedon characters), so it was always going to be good. But it was really good. I would like to dye yarn all the time. I came home with a lot of yarn. And there is this one skein that I keep finding that is sort of a neon coral colour, and every time I come across it, I think, "What the hell is this?" and then I remember that I DYED IT. (I don't have this trouble with the rest of the yarn that I dyed. Just this one skein. It's not even ugly!)
- While I was in Haliburton, I stayed in the garage apartment of people who live on one of the (many) lakes in the area. It was about half an hour's drive to and from the college, through woods and trees and winding roads. On my way to the cottage the first time, I had to stop so a flock of wild turkeys (with babies! baby turkeys, that is. not human babies) could cross the road in front of me. On my drive to school one morning, there was a beautiful deer standing just outside the treeline. It did not suck.
- In just over two weeks, I will have another week off. We're having the floors in the main part of the house redone, and my mother decided it would be too much upset for my dad and the dog, and that it would just be easier to move everybody (including the cats) to a rented cottage for the week. I'm hoping it will still be warm enough to make the best use of the beach and cottage life, but even if it's a bit chilly, I will love it.
- Speaking of beaches, J and B and I have finally got our act together and will be heading to a fun fun beach day this weekend! Huzzah! And last weekend, J and I got pedicures, and then I dragged her all over southwestern Ontario for fun (and a little bit because I got lost). Was good!
- I watched ALL THE OLYMPICS when that was happening. Well, I didn't watch all of it. But I watched swimming and artistic gymnastics, and some of the rowing/kayak/canoeing things, and diving. I was more heavily invested in the first week, I guess. Because Ryan Lochte. And also Marcel Nguyen, who is my new gymnastics boyfriend. I taped the live feeds during the day, mainly, so I could fast-forward through things I wasn't interested in, and also so I didn't have to suffer through (Canadian) Brian Williams, who I know a lot of people love, but who my family feels is a pox on the Olympic spirit.
- Am feeling very picky about the fic I read in my usual fandoms of late, and somehow that has translated into me reading a lot of Derek/Stiles Teen Wolf fic. I have seen exactly half an episode of Teen Wolf, but that doesn't seem to matter. Also, I read like four TW primers last week. I don't even know.
- Baby Lawyer took a long weekend trip to NYC and brought me back some yarn. Indoctrination: successful! (She brought Boss Lawyer wine.)
Aaaaand, done! For now. :)