Okay! So one of the things I want to do this year is keep better track of things, like movies I've seen, par example. Also books, and other things that may crop up.
In that spirit, yesterday I saw
True Grit, which was my dad's choice, obviously, but was better than I thought it would be. The acting was good, and I only had to hide my eyes a couple of times for animal issues. I have an unreasonable fondness for Barry Pepper, considering that I can't remember a single thing I have ever seen him in, and I am also unaccountably proud of Matt Damon, to whom I am not related or anything.
Where the movie fell apart for me was the ending. It just seemed weak and lazy after everything that came before. I have never seen the John Wayne movie, or read the book, and I understand that the ending probably is from the book or whatever, but in this movie, that ending was weak. If that's how they were going to go, they should've just run the credits after Rooster fell to his knees and shot his gun, and the lights came on in the cabin/store/doctor's place. That, at least, would have been impactful.
Anyway, aside from the ending, a perfectly fine movie.
Next time is my pick. My dad is subtly pushing for The King's Speech, which does look good, now that I know more about it (I thought it was about a guy who wrote a speech for the king, and it just seemed terribly boring), but I am kind of drawn to The Green Hornet. Has anyone seen that one yet? Is it good? Or is it filled with awful Seth Rogan sex jokes? Inquiring minds want to know.