1. Happy Thanksgiving, Americans! I hope you all have a lovely day, whatever you are doing. I suspect I will spend it reminding my father for the dozenth time this week that it is NOT THANKSGIVING in Canada. :D
2. This Harry Potter fanvid is seriously amazing, and now I want to watch all of the movies one after another.
Click to view
Why do I have to work and sleep and share the teeveeeeeeeeeeee? Wah.
3. My boss went out for an hour this afternoon and both started and finished her Christmas shopping. Hooooooooooow? Shopping for Christmas presents is a slow torture for me, because I agonize about every single present. Is it the right one? Will they like it? Is it too much? Is it not enough? Did I buy them this last year? Will they use it? Are they allergic to this? Do I need to get this person a present? Am I forgetting someone? Augh! And then I end up buying myself five things for everything I buy for someone else. NOT THAT I DID THAT TODAY, OR ANYTHING.
4. My Yuletide assignment is daunting, but do-able. I think. Think good thoughts for me, please!