I totally have First Day Back To Work After Long Weekend Syndrome today. Motivation to work: very low. Blah. But it's almost noon, and I've done very little, so I guess I should at least make a show of kicking it into gear. But really? Blaaaaah.
What I did on the weekend: went to organic farm, argued with my mother about which museums we went to in Ottawa when we were there for one day thirteen years ago, made a lot of salad, ate (rather unsatisfying) dim sum, went to the fireworks, found a new apartment. What was that last one? Oh, yeah, apartment. I've got this new apartment, and I can move in on August 1st, and I'm a little weirded out by it all, frankly. It's a nice apartment, two bedrooms in a three-story walk-up, lots of windows, very pleasant. But it's the only place I've looked at, and I'm feeling a lot of, "what if the PERFECT apartment is out there, and I'll never find it because I didn't even look!", but whatever. My mother is feeling guilty about having kind of maternal-pressured me into this apartment, which she kind of did, but it is a nice apartment, and I think I will grow to love it, even if I'm not quite there yet. I think my major problems are that it is out of my neighbourhood comfort zone, and that it is currently empty, so I'm having a hard time visualizing what it will look like with furniture. Also, my current lease isn't up until September 1, which means there's a month's overlap, so I will probably be broke for a long time, boo hoo. But, uh. Apartment! Yay? /o\
I totally gave up on taking a picture every day back in February, when living at my boss's house for a month sucked all the creativity from my soul, but I have been taking a lot of pictures, so I thought I would post some random ones from the past few months.
Clicking on the pictures will make them larger.
These chickens were pretty eager to have their pictures taken. If only the fence hadn't been in the way!
I enjoy how much straw is hanging off of that first sheep.
Little black lamb!
Mama duck and her ducklings, in Barrie.
I was supposed to be taking pictures of a wedding party, but baby ducks! Who could resist?
I think she's so adorable. And fat. I keep trying to put her on a diet, but so far it's not working. I weighed her this morning, and she's 12.2 pounds!
I love her sweet kitty paws. She won't let me play with them, though. :(
Max is by far the most photogenic of my babies.
I stayed at my parents' house when they were in Oklahoma in June, and I felt really bad for Molly, because Max is an indoor/outdoor cat, and Billy goes out whenever he wants to, so I got her a leash and took her out in the back yard. She wasn't so sure about it.
Billy is sitting on my lap (in a plastic patio chair) in this picture. He's very neurotic.
He's so cute when he gets all small and coy.
Roses in my mum's kitchen.
I was playing around with the night setting on my camera while waiting for the fireworks on Sunday night. The larger version is really strange-looking, but I think it looks cool in small.
All fireworks pictures look the same, basically, but I think this one's pretty cool.