fic: you and i would make a real good mix, 1/1

Aug 04, 2009 11:16

title:you and i would make a real good mix
rating: pg
pairing: shoshana/megan
disclaimer: I don't own people or Wicked.
summary: The standby room is dark and damp and the tv’s balanced on a splintering crate, but Megan’s never seemed to mind before now.

AN: I really don’t ship Sho/Megan but I just sat down and started writing and this happened. I think it’s a short lived fascination with standby romance. So.

"I’m the one you want! It’s me! IT’S MEE-"

Click. Shoshana pushed the door shut with her toe, blocking out the tiny sliver of light slanted against the dirty carpet and the faint sound of the show upstairs. She shifted on the lumpy couch, her legs dangling off the edge, and yanked at the tank top that rode up her stomach.

"Better?" She asked, turning back to the tv. The pillow against her cheek shifted and Megan ‘mm-hmm’ed without much focus. Shoshana felt Megan’s hand land on the empty seat space beside her hip, barely brushing her skin. She curled toward the touch and Megan’s fingers lifted slightly, almost accidentally, and smoothed over Shoshana’s hip.

The room was dim and dank and the tv was balanced on a splintering crate, but it was as much home as Shoshana’s bare apartment. Maybe it was Megan in jeans and an old sweatshirt, letting Shoshana press a pillow against her side and try to sleep. Maybe it was the way her body had learned to conform to the too short, too scratchy couch with the familiar blanket thrown over the back.

It was probably the way all her dreams hovered a few floors above, bright and hot and damp against her fingertips.

"I wish I could go on with you."

Shoshana pressed her cheek further into her pillow, feeling the outline of Megan’s thigh.

"I wish you could, too." She stretched to rest her hand on Megan’s knee. "Let’s drug Kristin’s water."

Megan’s fingers twitched against Shoshana’s hip and she shifted restlessly, and Shoshana sat up. She tucked one leg beneath her, hair falling out of her messy ponytail.

"Sho…" Megan put her cheek on her hand, looking so adorably abject that Shoshana had to reach out and cup her chin. Her eyes shone in the dark of the room.

"No, really." Shoshana said seriously, earning a small smile from Megan that Shoshana felt curve into her fingers. She dropped her hand back to the pillow between them. "We’ll go on together soon. We’ll have this whole show soon." Shoshana smiled and gestured with her hand, although the idea of leading the whole show seemed vague and untouchable on the lumpy couch in the standby basement. Megan smiled and dropped her eyes, sitting back against the couch.

"Oh, I know. It’s…whatever." Megan said, and her eyes focused on the tv. Shoshana waited patiently, until Megan glanced down at her hands. Her face flickered in the bright tv light.

"Meg-an." Shoshana teased, grinning. She leaned over and held Megan’s hand in her own. When Megan didn’t respond, Shoshana frowned. "Megan Hilty."

"I’m jealous." Megan finally stated, and before Shoshana could respond to that statement, Megan continued. "I’m jealous that you don’t get to be my Elphaba. Kristin always gets to sing with you and I’m backstage, and when you come out you’re green and I’m in sweatpants…" She stopped.

"Megan, we do rehearsals together every week-"

"It’s not the same thing."

Shoshana had to laugh, at Megan’s moody pout and her ridiculous Glinda jealousy. Megan didn’t seem to find it funny. She pulled her hand away from Shoshana’s and stood up, drifted over to the table at the other side of the room. Shoshana rose quickly and followed her.

"Megan, sweetie, you are my Glinda." Sho laid a hand on Megan’s shoulder, squeezed slightly. "That’s not even a question." She slid her hand to Megan’s elbow and tugged gently until the other girl turned around. Megan’s eyes met her own, their color indiscernible in the dark.

"I know, Shoshana." She smiled self-deprecatingly, and turned to walk away.

"Hey." Shoshana said, because the matter was clearly not resolved. She took a step closer when Megan stopped and tried to read her expression in the dark. The whole thing was ridiculous because Megan was Shoshana’s Glinda, was her best friend, was the girl she would rather spend dark nights below stage with than up on stage without.

"Sho." Megan said softly, and then her warm mouth was against Shoshana’s in the dark, stealing away all the air in the room. Shoshana stumbled, really stumbled, and Megan caught her wrist, kissed her softly one more time. Then she was across the room. Shoshana was left with the slightly bereft feeling of being kissed half-heartedly and too briefly. It was dark and she could feel the warm imprint of Megan’s mouth against her own. She struggled to remember to breathe.

The silence stretched between them, Shoshana unwilling to say the wrong thing and Megan unwilling to take it back. The thunder of intermission echoed in the hallways upstairs and out the door.

"I shouldn’t have done that, Shoshana. I’m sorry-" Megan’s voice was surprisingly clear, but Shoshana suddenly couldn’t take the words coming out of her mouth.

"Megan- are you really?" Shoshana asked, and she kept a distance between them. Megan made a noise of frustration and Shoshana saw the outline of crossed arms.

"You don’t get to do that." Megan said, and she turned to face Shoshana. Her eyes glinted in the flickering light of the tv and Shoshana’s gaze fell to her lips. "I-- kissed you. You have to--" Shoshana didn’t wait to find out what she had to do. She put her hands on Megan’s crossed arms and pulled them apart, until she could run her fingers up Megan’s cheek, across her waist. The other girl shut her eyes tightly.

"God, Megan." Shoshana said, and she kissed her. Megan sighed against her mouth and twisted a handful of Shoshana’s tank top in her hand, pulling her closer. Shoshana’s hands found the wall. Megan cupped the back of Shoshana’s head and she kissed softly but hungrily, until Shoshana pulled away, panting. Megan’s lips found the curve of her neck, then her jaw.

Shoshana leaned forward until Megan was against the wall and they were toe to toe, knee to knee, stomach to stomach, breast to breast. She found she couldn’t catch her breath. Megan’s forehead pressed against the side of her throat.

"Me and Kristin do not do that." Shoshana murmured into Megan’s hair. She felt Megan’s smile along her flushed skin. "So I really don’t think you have anything to be jealous of."

fic: oneshot, rpf: wicked, pairing: shoshana bean/megan hilty

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