I have been pestering myself a lot recently to make a variety of appointments that I need to make. You know, doctor, dentist, etc., but I've just been putting them off (largely because I had no idea where to start). In fact, I have successfully wabbed this project for an entire YEAR.
Faithful readers also know that I've been musing recently about getting a cleaning service, finding a financial planner and replacing my old stylist. It occurred to me that it would be entirely inappropriate to do the latter before doing the former. Seriously, what would it say about me if I made an appointment with a cleaning service before I found a new primary care physician? Not much, I tell you.
In any case, I arrived for work about 20 minutes early yesterday, so I hung out in the car and started the scheduling process. I now have appointments with a new doctor, a new dentist and a new OB-GYN, all in Lowell. Today I will call to schedule appointments with a stylist (which I desperately need at this point), a financial planner and a cleaning service.
Pretty soon, it's going to look as if I actually live here. :-)
In weaving news:
Last night, I spent the evening with my Stonemartian friend. We discussed the weaving structure of 3/1 and I got her started on some actual patterns. She's doing pretty well, although lamentably, she did make a mistake early on and spent some of the evening unweaving. It was actually good for her to be able to do this with some assistance, since it's pretty tricky where 3/1 is concerned. Hopefully, she won't have to do it for the rest of this pattern! She did make some excellent headway on the pattern once she'd finished unweaving.
In the process of all this, she commented as an aside that she wished there were a class at Pennsic to instruct people in how to fix mistakes. I asked her if she'd let me pirate her idea, and she said yes! So,
hlinspjalda, I would like to sign up for my Hrim Schola class next year if you feel this would be a useful subject. I would call it "Help! I've screwed up my tabletweaving!"--How to fix common problems and mistakes. :-)
In cotehardiejournal news:
While my Stonemartian friend was weaving last night, I stitched up a little scrap of wool fabric upon which I could practice some buttonholes and eyelets. The first and second buttonholes are pretty sloppy (also unevenly cut--they're not parallel!), but the 3rd, 4th & 5th are quite nice, if I do say so myself. I popped the buttons in and discovered that the length is perfect for the woolen buttons but they are spaced too closely together. The yellow buttons are the perfect distance apart, but the length of the buttonhole is too long. So, two important snippets of information, yay! I also made a couple of eyelets that I wasn't entirely satisfied with (they wound up too small, and were also pretty sloppy). I'll need to practice those a bit more, though I think I'll do it on the yellow cotton/linen instead since that's what I'll be putting them on. Practicing buttonholes on the wool was fine since that's destined to be a hood with buttonholes on it.
Pictures tomorrow--I left everything in my car since I'm planning to do more practicing at work today.