In an Inexplicably Good Mood...

May 01, 2006 22:39

No, really, this good mood is strange and inexplicable considering:

1) My car is thirty miles away.

2) I have no money.

3) My cell phone is missing.

But! My stint at rec50 is over and I didn't completely fail, so I will take what joy I can. Also, today there was okra and pan-fried chicken and seriously the best jello ever (strawberry jello cubes, served with diced strawberries and pear slices). Oh, okra. Oh, fruit. So much love.

Hey! My birthday's on the 20th. Thought I'd mention, because I, personally, am the suck at remembering birthdays (btw, Alyssa? happy birthday? I'm worst friend ever and you should feel free to completely ignore my natal day?).

God, I miss money. I want books, and new clothes, and Taco Bell, and maybe a paid account.

Anyway. Good mood. So you guys get random observations! Because I'm a giver.

1) Something that never fails to make me laugh? Stories where even the Death Eaters are looking at Voldemort and going "that bitch is crazy".

Sometimes it's just an observation, sometimes it makes them form anti-Voldemort cabals, whatev. I find it hi-larious. Because dude, bitch is crazy

2) BtVS is my favorite fandom for wild-ass pairings. I would never in a million years buy about half the pairings I've read, but by god, I've enjoyed reading them. Because Dawn/Illyria is brilliance and you cannot tell me otherwise.

3) Huh. I am possibly more disturbed than I generally like to admit. Apparently a large part of my H/D shipping foundation is that they can both be such bastards. To each other and to other people, and basically, bastard + bastard = YAY in my head. Also? OMG, I LOVE UNDERWATER LIGHT AND IT IS FINISHED AND THE AWESOMENESS ABOUNDS.

4) I have apparently picked up a new omg-wtf threesome: Harry/Ginny/Tom. Yeah, I'm disgusted with myself, too.

5) Anime fandoms are the hardest for me to start cold with. That has not stopped me from lately trying to read Prince of Tennis and Death Note.

6) I think the reason I'm able to buy such a wide range of characterizations in my HP fic is that these are children's books written in third-person limited. The narration isn't necessarily accurate because we know what Harry knows, and because they're children's books, there is far more black and white than you'd find in a real situation, or even an adult novel.

7) In a lot of pre-HBP fic, I kinda want Harry to just say fuck it to the manipulation and form his own side. Like he's kind of doing in Gentry Green, and like he did in In Memory I. It's the same part of me that kind of wants Atlantis to say fuck it, we're a colony, call a spade a spade, SGC.

8) I don't get people freaking out because they recc'd with a caveat. Because you know what? That still means you did good with something. Most things aren't unadulteratedly good and I don't see why it's better to pretend they are.

9) You can read all 50 of my HP recs here, and all 40 of my finished Xander recs here.

10) Most of the original slash I've read desperately needs a good, hard beta. I just read a story that I mostly really liked (the end was a little rushed, but it was overall pretty good), but I kept getting thrown out of the story because of the malapropisms. Violation in place of volition, horn instead of hone, and on and on and on. Are people just less willing to check origfic? It be crazy.

fanfiction, hp, rec50, btvs

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