Sharing Is Caring, Part Trois! Return of the Grammar-Rage!

Feb 04, 2006 02:18

I'll admit it. Yes, sometimes my grammar is questionable, but! But! I realize I'm doing it! If only because my best friend is inordinately fond of mocking everything I do, think, and say. And I would never do that in a piece of fiction.

Anyway. I meant to have this up right after the other two, but then my computer ran mad (as it does) and I lost the ability to right-click. Which I tend to find necessary to cutting-and-pasting. So.


omg, I don't know if I have unrealistic expectations or if more people just need to be BEATEN until they learn the English language.

and it's so much WORSE when it's someone like this, who I trust to get everything beta'd, because that means that MULTIPLE PEOPLE missed this.

it's court-MARTIALED, not court MARSHALED.


and the use of the wrong word that's almost the right word!

not the word, may I make clear, that sounds like the right word, like martialed and marshaled. no, it's the wrong word that sounds different and has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DEFINITION, but that's just close enough to trick someone's brain. it's the word that'll drive you crazy till you figure out the right word, like the author would've if they weren't so LAZY.

argh the second:

okay, it's "either-or" & "neither-nor"

it is not *ever* "neither-or"

these are *pairs*, people. it's like you're taking married words and *forcing them to swing*. you are aiding and abetting grammatical adultery!

possibly I lost control of my metaphor a little bit. but the point stands!

little argh:

segue = not segway

genre = not genera

"genera"? really? just...why?

bitches make me cry:

""Enough," the First shouted and stepped out of his reach. Its eyes suddenly glowed red. "You will pay for this respectlessness," it growled with the twisted voice of Buffy."

"elfin like"

elfin. like.


also, as has been said before and will be said after me, per SE and segUE

"“You don’t want me, I’m a mixed-up geeky soldier with suicidal tendencies.”

“Sets us up to be the perfect Romeo and Juliette, doesn’t it?”"

at this point, I'm crying not only for me, but for the *english language*.

bitches 2:

"Xander thought about the whole situation fow a few minutes. "That awfully sounds like a deal with the devil," he finally said. "I have to think good about that offer.""

"Xander prodded his bruised face with a sick fascination, to feel the pain, a pain that hurts, but not in the same way other pain does."

I...not even the bad emo poetry on fictionpress is this soul-rotting. I almost feel this should win a prize.

""IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE DRANK FROM A SLAYER. ESPECIALLY A YOUNG ONE," the voice said, as it then continued to laugh."

"From dressing real cheap (much more cheaper than when she was with Ben) to actually waiting for him in his bed, naked underneath the covers. She went all out for him - and nothing happened."

Correct superlatives and complete sentences aren't too much to ask for, surely?

XanderZone, why must you hurt me so? and what is this grudge you have against your native tongue? did your English teacher molest you? what?

argh the third:

first and second

one and two

NOT first and two

first and two. jesus.

verb rage:

ok, since when are verb tenses all mysterious and unknowable? people, come on! you have to be able to conjugate verbs! this is a basic language skill, here; if you use the wrong tense, *it sounds wrong*. I mean, hang/hung/hanged gets complicated, and I've yet to get a definitive answer on smite/smited/smitten/smote, but most of the time, *it is not hard*. Sneak/sneaked/snuck and the like is *not rocket science*.

don't make me cry the tears of frustrated grammar-rage, people. that's just not on.

characteristics and collectives:

hmm. it strikes me that perhaps more people should use dictionaries when writing.

for example, "vulpine" does not actually mean "wolf-like". vulpine is for foxes. wolves are lupine.

dogs are canine. cats are feline. bears are ursine. pigs are porcine. birds are avian. fish are piscine. and...I can't think of any others. I want a list. A list of these terms.

Also, a list of collective terms. You know, a school of fish, a pride of lions, a murder of crows, that kind of thing. Because those are cool, but hard to remember. Also, hard to find. Like, I think it's an argument of geese, but it's probably not. But there's something where a group of them's called an argument.

grammar/language, fanfiction, sic, rants

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