So I am totally watching True Blood and enjoying show!Tara and Anna Paquin and the random slice-of-life stuff (beer gut vamp? pretty much my favorite), but mostly, I am worrying. This show could be awesome for me - I love the books - or it could be terrible. Because they are hardcore selling Bill as the leading man and hi, critical book events hinge on Bill being A GIANT DOUCHE. I'm even worried they might cut
him killing Sookie's uncle because
cold-blooded murder, even of a pedophile is not normally desirable in your leading man. And that would suck, because that was kind of a big "really, really doesn't think like a human" moment and Sookie needed it.
Next week we get Eric! And he is my favorite! And we might get Pam, Eric's badass childe/right hand, who is hilariously upfront about loving violence and not caring if humans drop dead right and left - Sookie is her friend and she has that fling with Amelia, but outside that, she's not bothered. Eric and Sam and Pam and Sookie, they would totally be my OT4 if there was a way for that not to end in blood and tears and intestines strewn about like garland. Still! I get hot Viking Eric and his giant torch for Sookie!
And hey! They are not shying from the m/m, which means they'll probably keep the Hadley/Sophie-Anne storyline, which is awesome. Sophie-Anne is badass, y'all, I totally wish she was my queen.
Also kind of worries me? That people are going to see vampires, weres, and a "special" human girl with a bunch of reatures in love/infaturated with her and think "Mary Sue"...or really, "Laurell K. Hamilton with a southern accent". And it's really not! Sookie is attractive because her difference makes her more accepting and kind of exotic, but also because of
the fairy blood, which is like vampire catnip (not necessarily in a good way) and because a telepath is strategically handy. Also, her relationships with some of the guys actually end, sometimes without going further than a little acknowledged UST. And some of those guys actually move on. It's mostly Bill, Eric, and Sam, really, which is not totally excessive. (Totally rooting for Eric!)
I do hope they pick up the pacing a bit. There're like a dozen books and I really want to see Hallow on my television in a couple seasons. OMG, Debbie Pelt. I want to see Debbie Pelt right now, that could be so awesome.