we better have a snow day tomorrow. either way, I don't have any exams to study for, but I don't feel like going to bed yet. so I'll live life on the edge and risk having little sleep... I know, I'm quite the daredevil.
I wish every school day was like today, though. it's so nice to only be there for a few hours. and I wish I didn't have any responsibilities afterschool, like how I didn't have any homework and dance was cancelled and christine came over and we just ate and talked for hours. oh wait, if that's how life really was, I'd be fat and lazy. okay, so scratch that. I'll have huge snowball fights everyday as my form of exercise. if there's no school tomorrow, we decided that the snowball fight of 2004 is on... if people can drive (and actually stay on the roads) later on in the day. any takers?
okay, so I'm still a huge dork about my digital camera.
oh man, you’re not leaving this bathroom!
heh I like how confused erin looks
that stall was probably the worst thing ever.
abandoned in the wal-mart parking lot
ohhhh that’s cute.
who’s that boy with dark hair? oh wait. that’s sara.
mmm… broccoli
robin and cath and… the awesome whipping hat…
jamomo, jaime, and sumo.
ohhhh my favorite robin
yes kids, that’s exactly what you think it is. a “peace pipe”. a.k.a. ben’s grandma is a toker. at a glance, kate’s seemingly done some tokin’ herself.
we cook a meeeeeean batch of eggs.
she doesn’t.
nightmare inducing dolls. and a nightmare inducing doll molester.
“hi, I’m steve, and I have an upside down willy.”
we’re obviously the same person. just look at the uncanny resemblance.
I have no interesting caption. I just like it.
ohh karaoke. whoa. KARAoke. that’s crazy.
glowsticks and hair. it’s all the rage these days.
did you hear the news? THEY TIED THE KNOT.
minus a few where my camera was taken hostage. get excited.
our foosball players now have names. esteban, franco, pablo, pedro, john john, willy, andre biddles, jim e. licious, mr. wiggles, and kinky steve are some of the star players. seriously, christine and I had way too much time on our hands.