Mayfield | stats, cr & regains

Aug 01, 2010 22:28

ADDRESS   726 Anderson Lane         
"MOM"   Susan Sto Helit         
"DAD"   Edward Nigma / The Riddler         
"SIBLING/S"   Terezi Pyrope; Luke Triton           
"PET"  Pinkie Pie

[x]  Bat
[x]  Skates
[x]  Original outfit
Ability to:
[x]  pass through solid structures
[x]  regenerate
[x]  sense and locate distressed persons (includes supply of  Maromi)
[x]  teleport
[x]  exist in multiple places at a single time
[x]  shape-shift / attain monstrous form
[ ]  assume catastrophic form

CHARACTER RELATIONS     under construction // updated May 21
 Susan Sto Helit "Mom"   Caretaker, schoolteacher, and trainer in how-to-act-human. As such, Susan plays a major role in day to day life. Luckily, she happens to be the perfect person for dealing with "monstrous children". If there is anyone in Mayfield Slugger can actually respect, it's Susan. He may not have been too fond of her in the beginning but Susan has proven herself to be smarter than the average Mayfieldian (by far) and though he may not trust her entirely, he holds her judgment in high regard. update: A lot happens in nearly 9 months. Susan is still the person in Mayfield for whom Slugger has the most respect. She has also done things for him he would have never dreamed anyone in their right mind would ever do. Specifically, she lost her life protecting him from an angry Police Chief Grady. It had a lasting and confusing impact on him. To this day he still thinks of it and how Susan is so willing to risk her life for another's safety. Part of him thinks she was acting a fool. Part of him is racked with guilt. And still another part wants to see to it that she never dies that way again. 

 Pokey Minch "Frenemy"   Fellow socially challenged 12-year-old and rival. Their relationship vacillates between civil and semi-friendly to outright killing each other. Death was a novel experience for both of them and as of now, the score is 1:1. However, neither seems to actually hate the other. Mostly, they take turns irritating one another. Slugger's relationship with Pokey is the closest he's come to having a friendship and when Pokey isn't being an utter 400-year-old prick, Slugger finds his insight and vast accumulation of knowledge both fascinating and valuable. update: As someone Slugger has known since arriving at Mayfield, Pokey has somehow become one of Slugger's "people", someone whose companionship he readily seeks and someone whom he'd rather not lose. Basically, they're friends, though neither one will admit to it. They may not always get along well, but Slugger has gained a level of respect for Pokey and even trusts him to a certain degree. As for the score, no one is keeping track anymore. 

 Death "Great-Grandfather"   By default. Likable non-human. Perhaps it's because Death is an anthropomorphism of an abstract concept with an unassuming disposition or maybe it's because the two of them are powerful entities trapped in a mundane world, Slugger feels a sense of camaraderie toward him. In times when he is feeling most alone, he has been known to seek out Death's companionship. He's also quite fond of Death's newly regained scythe and enjoys playing with it. 

 Tak (dropped) "Despicable Acquaintance"   Person of suspicion. Neither one of them can tolerate the other for longer than a minute and when they do, an exchange of heated glares is inevitable. He still hasn't pieced together her true alien identity (though he is very close to figuring it out). However, Slugger has the drop on Tak's alter-ego, "Kat", and knows all about her human-dissection investigations after having been a victim of it himself. He's also discovered that she is a friend of Pokey's and a possible "weakness" of his.

 Parsee Mizuhashi "Would Hit It So Hard"   Tasteless joking aside, they've only just met, but she oozes negativity and openly yearns for death to find her. Naturally, this makes her irresistible. Slugger aspires to give her what she desires most. Multiple times, if possible. update: Wish: granted. When Parsee was having a particularly bad day, Slugger succeeded in beating her to death. It was only once but it was glorious. And he was positively astounded when Parsee approached and thanked him for it later. Being thanked by a victim is not something he's used to by any means.

 Edward Nigma "Dad"   Most unwelcome addition to the family. Slugger, while relieved to have one less drone occupying space in the house, is not fond of his new "father". Really, he wouldn't be fond of anyone who happened to land in Eddie's unfortunate position, which is to say: it's nothing too personal. Still, he's made it his business to keep a close watch on Edward and to make an absolute menace of himself, all to show this intruder who Da Man of the house really is (actually, that would be Susan). He's also discovered that Edward has a cape-clad nemesis similar to his own. update: After time spent learning to tolerate Edward, Slugger has finally come to see him as a part of the "family" and the two of them have found that they are capable of collaborating together. He still continues to purposely irritate Edward on a regular basis. He's also beginning to understand just how crazy Edward can be when the man is trying to prove himself. update2: Due to recent events, and the fact that Edward attempted to kill Susan in an effort to win a game, Slugger has decided that Edward can never be fully trusted. 

 Enma Ai "Not!Girlfriend"   The most inhuman "human" Slugger has yet to encounter. He sometimes finds himself forgetting she was ever human to begin with. The great thing about Ai, aside from her being a monstrous creature much like himself, she's quiet as a shadow. He can share things with her and know that it will never go beyond the two of them. Plus, she seems as lost as he is in this very human world around them and when it comes to living life as a "human". 
update: The pair of them have gotten close, considering how much they share in common, and Slugger views her as someone he can trust. Other members of their relative "families" seem to think that the two are dating, though Slugger and Ai will likely disagree.

 Johan Liebert "Uncle Johan"   A very interesting man. Slugger hasn't determined whether Johan is human or creature, but because he identifies himself as a monster, he is interesting nonetheless. He also gets points for recognizing the entertainment in trolling Edward. Despite Johan's aspiration to be the last person alive in the world, Slugger has yet to find reason to believe the man is a threat to himself. This does not mean he isn't wary.

 Terezi Pyrope  (dropped) "Sister"   Alien troll girl who licks things. Terezi is the type who is tolerable at times but is at other times atrociously nosy. She's certainly weird with numerous abnormal quirks which Slugger finds relatable, even comforting. However, when she pokes and prods at what she senses is an awkward "emotional" side of him, her company is suddenly much less enjoyable.  update: Terezi is the first person to be permanently droned that Slugger was "close" to. He probably kills her drone regularly after provocation proves ineffective in getting a Terezi-like response. He might even miss her a little.

  Masumi Seki "Prank Victim"   They met on a chance encounter when Slugger spotted him in a fight with a drone gang. He decided it would be funny to sneak in behind Seki and imitate the "voices in his head". He has no idea whether such "voices" really do exist inside his head, but he found Seki's reaction entertaining and intends to "mess" with him some more one day.

  Nena Trinity "Crazy Duck Girl"   An example of a crazy bitch. Her frequent transformations between cutesy bubbly girl and raging psycho bitch have led Slugger to believe that Nena has multiple personalities. It doesn't help his case at all that he once pushed her into a pond. She's perhaps the first person ever to give Slugger a bloody nose (on an entirely separate occasion from the time she nearly suffocated him with her tits.) He suspects one day she will try to kill him. He looks forward to it.

  The Major "The Major"   A Nazi, lover of war and all things miserable. He knows how to sweet-talk Slugger with ideas of creating a vicious cycle of suffering for all of mankind. However, he's also responsible for an incident that resulted in Susan's death and for that, Slugger will not forgive him. This does not stop him from speaking with the Major and listening to his plans. Thinking he's clever, Slugger is happy to lead the Major to believe he's more bloodthirsty and gullible than he really is. The truth is he's very wary of the man and won't hesitate to kill him if he touches his "family" again.

  Aaron Taylor "Ai's Property"   And therefore off-limits to sudden beatings. Slugger respects Ai enough not to damage her things... yet. He suspects Aaron is either very naive or is something other than human considering his lack of concern about Ai's duties as the Hell Girl. He also senses hints of darkness within Aaron, something that might otherwise make him a potential victim. 

  Aisling "Long Lost Half-Sister"   A gentle faerie. Though she may have given Slugger a dirty look once or twice, Aisling is the definition of "benign supernatural creature". Slugger can sense that he creeps her out a little (and enjoys this), however, he's discovered that they share some things in common: 1) she once had Edward for a father, and 2) if given an opportunity to escape, she is torn between leaving Mayfield and staying. 

  Death (Didi) "Great Grandmother"   By default. She is the "wife" of Susan's grandfather and is very similar to him in more ways than the obvious. Perhaps it is the nature of anthropomorphisms to be wise, helpful and non-judgmental, all of which makes Didi very easy to tolerate. All the more reason Slugger prefers the company of non-humans to humans.

  Arslan "White Sheep"   Cousin. By virtue of having both Deaths as his "parents". Being the most normal, the most human, and the most pure at heart (and let's not forget, a Prince), Arslan is like the white sheep in a family of black sheep. Slugger doesn't spend much of his time getting close to humans and, other than Pokey and Edward, Arslan is his third-most regular form of human contact to be had, particularly during family events.

*ooc, mayfield, cr

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