Leon3 + RISC-V = ...

Mar 13, 2018 21:51

Внезапно, в рассылке Leon3:

My name is Lucas Castro, I am an undergraduate student at Unicamp - Campinas/SP - Brasil. I am developing an undergraduate project involving Leon3 and RISC-V ( https://riscv.org/ ), named ReonV, under supervision of professor Rodolfo Azevedo ( https://www.ic.unicamp.br/~ rodolfo/ ) financed by Fapesp ( http://www.fapesp.br/ ) and I would like to announce it here.

Our ideia was to propose a way of avoiding compatibility problems when developing Hardware (processors, in this case) reusing well consolidated Open or Free Hardware. For example, every time a new RISC-V processor project begins, it has to develop the processor, build it's own support to every board it is meant to run, use strictly the tools used to develop it and create support to every peripheral. Trying to expand the support is not trivial.

We took a different approach with ReonV. We used Leon3 which has SPARC ISA, with support to many boards, synthesis tools, peripherals and entirely customizable and only changed it's ISA to RISC-V (more specifically, changed it's iu3.vhd file). This way we gained a RISC-V processor with all the previous support Leon3 already had without having to rebuild it to our own project.

We currently have a RV32I processor with no special and fence instructions capable of running some test programs. We are currently working on making a console available and running benchmarks.

The project repository has been just opened, it is released under GPL and can be found here: https://github.com/lcbcFoo/ ReonV

There are a lot of things to be done, issues related to tools developed for SPARC (such as GRMON2) and being used to RISC-V with workarounds and boards to test (unfortunately we only have nexys4ddr e zedboard to test the project). We really would appreciate suggestions, commentaries, opinions or anything you can offer related to out project =)

Надо попробовать! С Leon3 я уже работал. Даже в дистрибутиве есть 2 моих "порта" (;

riscv, fpga

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