Roe v. Wade 40 Years Later

Jan 19, 2013 17:31

I caught this article in my news feed:
Roe v. Wade 40 years later: Advances in women’s reproductive health

In the last 40 years, we have made several advances in women's reproductive health. However, we also have battled with the philosophy of aborting an unborn child. While it seems apparent the issue is being debated on moral grounds, abortion is but one facet of our complex society full of seeming contradictions before and after birth...

Take the whole "Pro Choice vs. Pro Life" argument, for instance. I get the feeling the most stereotypically prominent people for "Pro Choice" or "Pro Life" fall into these primary camps:

"I support legal abortions (but usually not late-term) and it's totally the expecting mother's decision whether or not to keep the unborn.

"I personally don't support legal abortions, but it is not my place to dictate what a mother wishes to do with the unborn within (or without) the law."

"I personally don't support legal abortions and it is not up to the mother to decide the fate of the unborn--outside of rape or incest--once she is impregnated for every life is precious." (*)

"I personally don't support legal abortions and it is not up to the mother to decide the fate of the unborn--in any circumstance--once she is impregnated for every life is precious." (*)

(*) Now let's take this further with my supposed liberal slant fine print:
While each of our Creator's unborn lives are precious, I only support this notion through birth. Once the child is successfully delivered into this world, I no longer hold any responsibility for said life for I have done my vital part to ensure its survival in the womb. Life's preciousness technically ends at birth for it is now, by default, a burden on our resources. However, if that potential life acquires any combination of the following maladies...
- Emotional Instability
- Excessive Physical Handicaps
- Economic Hardship
- Non-preferred Beliefs
- Non-preferred Ethnicities
...I will initially ignore it in the hopes it will fix or marginalize itself out of existence. If said life appears upon my property against my wishes with the above combination of maladies, I reserve the right to shoot it in defense of my person and property values. However, it currently isn't socially acceptable to blatantly state this full belief in fear of being accused as an "insensitive douchebag." Instead I will hide these feelings behind my faith and excuse it as righteous indoctrination.

politics, roe v wade

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