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video; usedsketch July 1 2011, 02:08:46 UTC
[ When Sanae responds, he looks incredibly amused. The kid is totally worthy of shades-lending just for being this entertaining. ]

Glad it's not anything too serious.


video; striderismo July 1 2011, 02:15:33 UTC
[ Dave himself looks amused when the feed opens on his end, and he's wearing his own shades again. ]

Yeah, I've definitely seen worse.


video; usedsketch July 1 2011, 03:38:33 UTC
[ He hasn't bothered to replace his yet -- better to go without than drop money on the wrong pair. ]

So if I invited you over to return the shades and have a cup a'... hell, I don't know. Do kids drink coffee?


video; striderismo July 2 2011, 00:39:12 UTC
Only if bubble tea isn't an option.

[ Yeah, he just said that with a straight face. And for the record, 'coffee' is usually a white chocolate mocha. And if you ask him, he'll tell you he's straight. ]


video; usedsketch July 13 2011, 03:45:37 UTC
[ Kids these days. Also, pretend this is Sanae giving his address, because hell if I know what it is. ]

--unless you'd rather meet someplace, anything to ease the creeper vibe a little. I could use the excuse to get out.

Anyway, sorry for not introducing myself right the first time around -- it's Sanae Hanekoma. Mr. H, if ya like that better.

[ Totally helping with that creeper vibe, right ]


video; striderismo July 14 2011, 04:11:04 UTC
Probably wouldn't have remembered your name, anyway, dude. Nothing personal. [ Nothing personal, Dave's just a moron. ]

There's this classy little hipster cafe down the street from the Game Corner. Not really my kinda place, but they do have bubble tea. And good coffee, I hear.


video; my tags are not late gosh cassie what are you talking about usedsketch July 22 2011, 08:04:53 UTC
Don't think I ever caught yours.

[ He's not an easy guy to offend, regardless. ]

Hey, if the coffee's decent, it sounds great to me. See you in ten?


video; well that makes two of us thank you very much striderismo July 26 2011, 17:35:54 UTC
Dave Strider.

[ He jerks his head in a coolkid affirmative. ] See you there.


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