Aug 07, 2006 11:15
I had to go to the hospital at midnight last night. I was short of breath and wheezing. They told me I'm allergic to dogs. The fur sets off a sinus reaction, and the urine (cat urine too actually) sets off a respiratory reaction. They had me hookeed up to an oxygen mask because they said my o2 starts were a litle wacky. Now I have to use an inhaler, all because of that stupid dog.
Dont tell my dad, but I'm considering asking Aarons Grandma or my Grandmama if we can move in with them. They dont have dogs, theyre non smokers, they both keep their houses eerily clean. I figure I'll give it till October or so, let the weather cool down, give dad a chance to train that mutt properly, and if my house is still a crapshack from that dog pissing and crapping in the basement, I'm out. It upsets me, I was really looking forward to moving in with my dad... why does there always have to be something to ruin everything I'm happy about??
On top of that, Aarons being bitchy. We're both really stressed over this move, and my health. Still, he didnt have to yell at me. I think Ive said this before, Aaron yells, I dont. I dont like yelling. We'll get over it, it just sucks for now.
If theres been a lot of typos, its because im typing without my contacts in, and i cant see a single word i type. im going on the faith i have in my typing.
mums coming to pick me up sometime soon. I dont like being here when the guys are moving stuff. I get in the way, then i get yelled at for being in the way and people tell me to just leave, I cry, then dad tells me to stop being so sensitive. So, to bypass all that, I'm going out with mum, and if they dont like it, too freaking bad for them. They can bite me.