Hit me with your genie's bottle

Mar 21, 2011 08:51

A few days late, but my thoughts on half of Thursday Night Thunder:

I had no idea this week's 30 Rock would be so divisive. Personally, I only have two complaints about the episode: 1) It was a little hard to keep up with what was happening near the end, and 2) Is Pete going to be the permanent bearer of gross jokes? I guess that's what happens to powerless balds? I don't know. Other than that, I loved this episode. I'm a sucker for parodies and everything about Queen of Jordan was spot on. I haven't seen a single episode of Real Housewives but I'm familiar enough with the tropes of reality television.

The part where Liz tells Angie to "stop talking, I'm talking, can I talk"? Every reality show is contractually obligated to have at least one of them every season, right? Angie telling Liz that she refused to wear anything in her size or appropriate for her age made me giggle, too. And did anyone else love Randi? So ridiculous, but I thought the actress who played her was fabulous. I've seen a few people complain that Susan Sarandon was "wasted" in this episode, but I like it when big-name stars just drop by and fit into the silly 30 Rock universe. She was wonderful, as usual.

Also, I wasn't expecting the show to be in this format, so that made it more fun. Half the time, I was just squealing quietly at the novelty of it all. This is probably the closest we're going to get to a genre swap (unless they decide to do a musical episode in the sixth season. Eep. Still have my fingers crossed for this).

I loved Parks and Rec this week, too. I loved Ron telling everyone to be quiet and explaining what all of them did wrong. Thank you for this moment of sensibility, Ron Swanson. And it shows that even when he pretends like he doesn't, he really does care about these people, because look at how well he knows them. And his love for ponies, aaah. ♥ Ron is definitely my favorite this week.

Hate Joan Callamezzo with a passion, but she does get some amazing lines. Liked Ben better this week because of his reaction to Lil' Sebastian. I liked seeing Pawnee act like a real community around the pony, but I didn't get all the fuss, either. You're not alone, Ben. Still not sold on Leslie/Ben. I mean, yeah, I approve. Ben's a nice, good-looking guy and they get along really well. But I don't see myself shipping it. It just makes me a little sad that I can't join in on the excitement. Oh, well. Can't ship 'em all.

Community was a lot of fun but not as strong as the other two. In fact, I can't remember much aside from Chang and OMG, FINALLY SOME BRITTA. Look, she's not even my favorite character but I sense a sort of confusion from the writers when it comes to her. Like they don't quite know how to explore her character further so she's been sidelined for most of the season. It was good to see her with Troy and Abed, but it did reinforce awkward-slash-cancer!Britta. I hope the study group's perception of Britta is addressed soon.

tv: 30 rock, tv: community, tv: parks and recreation

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