What is Willie still doing on TV?

Mar 15, 2011 23:57

This is one of the most horrifying examples of exploitation I've ever seen. And I've seen some racy and depressing documentaries.

image Click to view

Look, if a little boy wants to macho dance on national television, fine by me. I mean, back when Spaghetti was all the rage, we saw kids dancing pababa and pataas on TV all the time, and we all know that dance had sexual undertones. It was slightly exploitative, but it was mostly done in good fun.

My problem with this particular boy is that it seems he doesn't want to do it. I'm not a mind reader but I don't think those were tears of fucking joy. He's only doing it for the money, which even Willie acknowledges. But instead of putting a stop to it, the boy was made to dance at least 3 more times, with him crying all the way through. Instead of pointing out the horror of whoring out children on national television, Willie praised Jan-jan for helping out his family.

Maybe I'm in no position to judge because I come from a middle-class family and have never had to stress over how we're going to put food on the table or pay for my tuition or anything like that. But I still think no child should be expected or encouraged to earn for the family (or even to provide for himself, if Jan-jan got to keep the money), especially if it means doing things they don't want to do. This way of life that's become a sick form of entertainment shouldn't be tolerated, much less applauded.

PS. I also did not appreciate Willie's crack at Jan-jan's dad. A man? Owning a parlor, you say? LOL, it's like a woman wearing jeans! Or changing tires! The height of comedy, for sure.

tv: local

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