Mar 19, 2003 16:02
I posted this on my blog a little while ago, and decided to put it here also.
Some people should not be allowed to keep animals.
Last night, as I was leaving work, I stopped to talk to a friend of mine in another department. We talked, and I noticed that the person in the cubicle next to him had a fish tank on his desk. It wasn't a large one. It was only 20 gallons. Way too small for the big fish he had in it.
What he had was a fish called on Oscar. An Oscar is a Cichlid that is from South America(I think), and gets rather large. They are a very popular fish among rednecks and scum, since people think they are aggressive, and people from that particular demographic like to have agressive animals. How do I know this? I used to work in a pet store in Modesto, CA, and then at a Petsmart in Salem, OR. Now, some "normal" people like this fish too(I think they are dumb and boring), but for the most part, they seemed to be bought by people who bathed only on days ending in X.
The fish itself has a pretty broad body. The healthiest Oscar I have ever seen was a specimin that was almost 2 feet long, very thick, and had been raised on a diet of beef heart. Most people like to feed them comet goldfish, commonly referred to as "feeders". This is a horrible food source for them. For one, they are often filled with disease. I have seen cases where we would lose hundreds of feeders in a day from disease. Their nutritional content is low. Another bad side effect is that I have seen feeders make fish even more aggressive. Unfortunately, a lot of people(see redneck comment above) see this as a benefit, and think it is cool watching a fish tear into another.
Now, this particular fish that I am talking about is living in this 20 gallon tank. I would not have a problem with that if this fish was a baby, but it wasn't. It was about a foot long. A 20 gallon tank is 2 feet long. I observed this fish after I commented about it being in too small of a tank(my friend agreed with me). The fish was having a rough time turning around. He was hitting the filter and rubbing against the side of the tank. The tank was sparkling, since it had just been setup, but a fish like that shits a lot, and that tank will get dirty quickly.
The owner of the tank should be glad he was not there when I noticed, since I was not in the best of moods, especially when it came to people and their pets(see previous entry about my cat). My friend said he would mention what I said to him, and eventually, I will be wandering over there to make a polite suggestion.
It is now 4pm. One more hour until the war starts. Reality TV at its finest.