In the charming 2001 film Amelie, one character, Gina, asserts that "no man who knows his proverbs can be bad". This quiz may not provide insight into your inherent "goodness" or "badness" but it could shed some light on how you approach conflict with friends, family members, loved ones or coworker.
Instructions: Indicate your opinion of each of the following short proverbs as a conflict strategy. In each case, ask yourself the question: How desirable is this strategy as a method for resolving conflict?
Your Result: Problem Solving; Assertive 83%
An assertive, or problem solver is someone places high emphasis on both the goal and the relationship involved. There is high assertiveness. "Let's do it our way ! This is what I prefer... What do you want?" They listen and communicate with others to understand needs and values. They use information and resources most effectively, and ongoing problem solving is required. Trust and balance are also important. Satisfaction with the work and commitment to the solution is imperative to all. The risk with this style includes fatigue, and use of too much time, no solution in sight and distraction from other tasks. The power comes from openness, clarity and cooperation.
Forcing; Aggressive 62%
Compromising 52%
Withdrawing; Nonassertive 52%
Smoothing; Accommodating 52%