Day 05 → Your favorite quote
" You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." - John Lennon (Imagine)
Okay, so this one is kind of cliché as far as favorite quotes go, but I love it. I don't follow it in a naïve, kind of Disney-dreaming sense, more like in the sense that I do have goals for myself.
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Lol, I could NOT decide what to put. So here's a puppy trying to attack itself in the mirror. (Even though I feel so bad when it crashes into it :( )
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Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy
Hahahaha. This was when I was Skypeing with my mom, and Corey came in and leaned over the lens of her laptop so he was upside down XDDDD. So I screencapped it.