Conditioning, sleeping, skating, practicing, hockey playing, geeking.
That sums up off-time very well. For many people, the idea of having several weeks to designate your own work schedule sounds like a dream. For me, it's a day to day reality- one that can be exhausting and rewarding, or depressing and soul-sucking.
Some days you just don't have the strength and fortitude to condition for whatever reason, and the guilt is ever present. Some days you feel like you could condition twice, and you do. Some days you realize you've whittled the day away in front of the computer. Some days you whittle the day away on errands, tasks, and hanging out with whiny felines. Some days you play two or three hours worth of hockey and can't lift a finger at the end of the night. Whatever it is, you think about the little things a lot more when you don't have a solidified routine.
Last night as Nikki slept beside me, I sat up awake in bed from 3:30 until 5:30 or so, sleeplessly thinking about the intricacies of my self-directed schedule the next day. My best guess would be that most people don't do that. The constant struggle of wondering if you're making the best use of your time is quite the little devil on your shoulder with a terribly contagious case of insomnia. Maybe it's just because our hockey team took a tough loss the night before, but that's not something one would usually lose sleep over. Regardless, it made waking up this morning for the second game of the weekend a difficult task and perhaps it wasn't the inability to sleep- it very well might have been the tequila that was passed around at our favourite Mexican bar and eatery post-game the night before.
The circus is calling in a month or so, and I'll be off to Orlando to rehearse a new show that I'm fairly excited about. Until then, it's just conditioning, sleeping, skating, practicing, hockey playing, geeking, and in the end, I guess that's not so bad.
PS) A shout out to
everlastinggoo for not bailing off the treadmill! ;)