Resolution: 720 x 400px
Screencaps: 4.221 caps [untouched]
Per file: 500 caps
Format: .jpg
Files: Separate zips - no joining
MU o1: Beginning - The plane door opens [71.62 MB]
MU o2: The first zombie falls out - Claire and Rani talk in the VIP lounge [52.78 MB]
MU o3: Claire takes the umbrella as a weapon - Leon talks to Hunnigan via phone [50.12 MB]
MU o4: Leon talks to Hunnigan via phone - Claire and Downing arrive at the WilPharma facility [62.91 MB]
MU o5: Claire and Downing enter the WilPharma facility - Leon and Angela arrive at the destroyed facility [64.67 MB]
MU o6: Leon and Angela split up - The wreckage crushes Curtis [55.65 MB]
MU o7: Leon helps the surviving marines to the elevator - Leon and Angela climb up the wreckage [57.27 MB]
MU o8: Curtis grabs Angela's foot - Leon, Claire and Angela say goodbye [55.76 MB]
MU o9: Leon, Claire and Angela say goodbye - Ending [31.20 MB]