Resolution: 720 x 304px
Screencaps: 5.327 caps [untouched]
Per file: 500 caps
Format: .jpg
Files: Separate zips - no joining
MU o1: Beginning - Tony, Pepper and art [55.87 MB]
MU o2: Tony, Pepper and work - Tony in the cave [48.39 MB]
MU o3: Tony in the cave - The first Iron Man in action [44.08 MB]
MU o4: The first Iron Man in action - Start of the Burger conference [50.16 MB]
MU o5: Start of the Burger conference - Bad guys in the desert [62.09 MB]
MU o6: Working on feet booster - Coloring the metal man [56.52 MB]
MU o7: Coloring the metal man - First mission "saving the people" [53.64 MB]
MU o8: First mission "saving the people" - Tony and Pepper's "you've all I got" talk [49.53 MB]
MU o9: Tony and Pepper's "you've all I got" talk" - Tony crawling towards the first reactor [55.17 MB]
MU 10: Tony reaching for the first reactor - Iron Man on the back of Iron Monger [45.64 MB]
MU 11: Tony on the glass roof - Ending + extra scene [34.60 MB]