Tutorial | Icon #032

Jul 14, 2007 14:06

How to go from

For Photoshop CS2. The .psd file can be found here.

I'm using one Hue/Saturation Layer, one Curves Layer and one Color Balance Layer.

S T E P : O N E - T H E : B A S E

Crop your image down to 100x100.

Sharpen it once and (if you want) smooth the skin.

S T E P : T W O - H U E / S A T U R A T I O N

Go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Hue/Saturation

Set the Saturation to -62.

This takes out the color - alot ^^

S T E P : T H R E E - C O P Y : B A S E

Duplicate your base.

Drag the copy on top of the other layers.

Set the copy to Soft Light.

S T E P : F O U R - C U R V E S

Go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Curves.

Use Input: 83 and Output: 47.

This intensifies the colors.

S T E P : F I V E - Color Balance

Go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Color Balance.

For Midtones use +15 | -15 | +5.

For Shadows use +16 | 0 | 0.

Leave Highlights untouched.

T H E : E N D

tutorial: icon, tutorial

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