Jan 16, 2012 19:03
keeping my inner peace seems near impossible some days, some weeks. when everything going on around me feels unsafe, there is not much stability i can turn to. only knowing that i have my brother and sister, and my closest friends, and my own person within is all i have, and i think all i really want to have to rely on. i love my job and i love everything it is about, food consciousness and health awareness. but my team leader doesnt really seem to have my back, actually she seems ot have it out for me. but oh well it is just a job. soemthing i learned from working at subway after i quit. wow i wasted alot of time being stressed and frusterated about a JOB haha. i take pride in my work and do the best i can do with a positive attitude but there isnt anything else i can do but kiss ass, which i refuse to do in ANY job.
so jen is finally moving out. i offered to leave, but kira said if i move out she is coming with me and that would leave jen alone with the house. i was feeling a little bad, thinking maybe i made the wrong assumptions and mis calcualted the problem. but after her admitting that she doesnt consider me a really good frined anyways, or ever had, well that confirmed all my suppressed anger. she can leave and i am so relieved to take this poison out of my life.
i cried the other night just thinking about my sister. my opinions on marriage dont count in this matter, but i dont know if she is genuinely happy and that scares me. i dont want her to settle. and i guess for my own selfish reasons, i feel like she is replacing me and wont wanna plan life adventures with me anymore. makes me feel like i am losing her. i know its not like that but still...im supportive all the way, no matter what.