Title: The Color of the Sky
Prompt: For all we know we may never meet again/ Before you go make this moment sweet again/ We wont say good night until the last minute/ Ill hold out my hand and my heart will be in it
Fandom: Molly/Frank, Falling in Love
Requested by:
kitnkabootle Rating: R
Word Count: 662
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: Uh, so, I got a little emotional while writing this. I hope it's readable, and I hope I managed to catch the voices of the characters. I know this is one of the more obscure Meryl films, but everyone should check it out. It's one of my favorites. And hey, if you need more incentive, check out this
fan video by kitnkabootle (especially if you need some background on the film).