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The newest list of RPG truths [13 May 2002|07:50am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Andrew W.K.-Ready to die ]

Hair comes in vast amounts and in an odd color which seems to float in the air rather than lay flat as Gravity demands.
2. Nobody ever uses the door. Ever.
3. If they use the door, it usually involves ripping it off the hinges, bashing into it, or some other process that takes at least nine steps and seems unnecessarily complicated.
4. All men are at least six feet tall, and, when provoked to do so, could easily rip through a structurally sound brick wall.
5. All women have long hair that plays just right about their faces, ample breasts, tight or hanging clothing, and an irresistable smile, whether they want to or not.
6. "So you're all in a bar..."
7. Beware of children. Most of them are at least two hundred years old.
8. Beware of adults. Most of them are older.
9. While exploring, NEVER wander off by yourself. You will always get teleported, kidnapped, slaughtered, ambushed, assassinated, etc, etc...
10. A mute or otherwise talking-impaired creature can always communicate telepathically.
11. When at a place quite literally named "Suicide Cliffs," nobody will ever truly die. They will get saved at the last second, talked from jumping at all, or will simply land at the bottom and continue walking.
12. Every tavern, no matter HOW crowded, will always have one empty table apart from everybody else in a dark, secluded corner.
13. All newcomers are magnetically attracted to this table.
14. Once the newcomer sits at that table, a new empty table appears, in a new dark, secluded corner, to which the next newcomer will be instantly attracted.
15. No matter what you order, the bartender will always have two bottles left of it.
16. If a female plays a male character, expect it to be beautiful, mysterious, and bi/homo-sexual.
17. Any character the player bothers describing as "looks 18" is more likely over two hundred.

18. You can easily identify new players in the story by the distinct "PC" tatooed on their forehead for at least the first hour.
19. Many women are not really women.
20. Women who have ample breasts, skin-tight clothing, voluptuous curves, and pretty much anything else that belong to the stereotypical male fantasy...are usually men.
21. Women are more likely to have weapons, armor, equipment, and favors over men... which could be why men choose to play women characters. That or they just want to fulfill their lesbian fantasies.
22. If a man plays a girl, expect her to be a lesbian.
23. In the middle of the not very packed dance floor, expect a lesbian floor show.
24. When playing with werewolves, expect them to shift to Crinos. No matter how many mortals are around.
25. The aforementioned mortals will not notice.
26. No matter how small the room is, half the people will be in the rafters.
27. If a character is female, beautiful, and has long, flowing hair, she is either a vampire or a demon.
28. All vampires are kind, tortured souls angst-ridden over their need for fresh blood and desperately trying to make up for sins of the past.
29. A good portion of those will be creatively named "Angel."
30. Nobody ever dies.
31. If they do die, the body is discovered long before it can decompose, and is conveniently rushed to the nearest temple which, of course, can bring it back to life.
32. There is no such thing as an unexpected pregnancy.
33. It's amazing how dragonfear has no effect...
34. A newbie is easily picked out by his/her amazing strength and ability to dodge attacks...even fireballs cast at point-blank range.
35. Two words: half-kender, half-centaur.
36. Though it is an Amazon clan, men still ask to join.
37. Your character can always pick up a date quicker than you can, in any bar.
38. All bad guys attempt a room kill at least once.
39. The rooms with only three people in it are usually the rooms with the better role-players.
40. Women's laughter is always soft and tinkling like silver bells - never obnoxious snorts.
41. All children, even those who are two-hundred years old, have lisps.
42. When a character leaves a tavern, they must hover around the entrance for five minutes to see who they've lured into joining them.
43. Rarely will anyone notice anything happening in an inn besides their own conversation. Violent deaths are especially unlikely to draw anyone's attention.
44. There are no apprentice mages. All mages are either the most powerful on their world/in their school, or they are a total beginner that can't cast ANYTHING properly.
45. There are no parents. They have all been killed in some horrid fashion.
46. Tenders are an endangered species.
47. Everybody, without exception, is heavily armed at all times.
48. If you're any type of undead creature, somebody will eventually try to cast "Life" on you. After all, they've all played Final Fantasy...
49. All reward gold shall be spent on ale, whores, and trinkets.
50. When fighting in a forest, every tree seems to be strategically placed so you can use it to your advantage.
51. Any child character you come across is guaranteed to have none of the following: parents, respect for authority, proper clothing, food, a place to sleep, manners. However, they will all be such excellent professional thieves despite their tender age that you will never see them pick your pocket.
52. In any combat scene, the last person to enter into the conflict will be not only inhumanly strong, intelligent, capable, and heroic, but will also end the conflict with one swipe of his or her ancient double-bladed kitana which was handed down from his or her father's father's father, who by the way, was a God and all-powerful, until he was killed by this person, who stole his power and so you can't defeat him anyway, nyah nyah.
53. If you happen across a young, beautiful woman wearing a slightly confused expression on her voluptuous cherry-red lips, who has amnesia, and cannot remember who she is or where she came from, you can be certain that she is really a Princess or a Queen from a neighboring country, who has but recently escaped her own country and fled to this one in fear of her very life.
54. Blind assassins can kill anything with their nose. [Who the hell would play a blind assassin, anyway??]
55. No one ever plays a fat man.
56. With as many vampire-hunter-vampires there are, the human hunters can just sit back and watch them destroy themselves.
57. The average character can take any random object, and make it into some form of elaborate weapon.
58. One never has eyes or lips or hair; one has oculi or tiers or strands/locks.
59. Everyone's past is filled with sadness, pain and torture.
60. No matter what game, there are thousands of websites dedicated to it.
Possibly through some server glitch which spontaneously generates them.
61. You can use items or resurrect spells to bring someone back to life in battle, and they take thousands of slashes and magics to kill in the first place; but a single slash of the sword kills them off for good - usually in a long, drawn out, dramatic sequence. [True in Final Fantasy 7, Legend of Dragoon, etc.]
62. Those who attain the highest level possible quickly become bored, and can invariably be found showing off to a group of newbies who are all groveling at their feet.
63. Remember, in role play, there is no such thing as simple. Beware of anything described as simple, because it is always something very complex, sinister, and usually deadly.
64. All blind or otherwise vision-impaired creatures are clairvoyant.
65. There is only one bar, the Unibar. All other bars are merely projections of the essential barness of the Unibar. The unibar provides endless quantities of alcohol for each of its shadow-bars, as well as generating the dark corners and uninhabited tables for each.
66. Ranged weapons are worthless, as everyone can accurately anticipate projectile attacks and dodge without even breaking conversation.
67. Guns (usu. flintlocks) are even more worthless than other ranged weapons. All children in psuedo-medival settings are taught how to deflect, dodge, or catch bullets as part of their farm-child or noble upbringing.
68. Exceptions: Crossbows and shuriken wielded by ninja. Ninja can automatically kill everything in the room, no die roll or storywork required. Also, all ninja carry a +6 Pouch of Endless Shuriken. The ones not smart enough for this are issued a standard +1 Belt of Endless Ninja Throwing Star Things.
69. In RolePlay, there are no accidents. The more accidental it sounds, the more suspicious of it you should be.
70. Remember: everyone is originally female. Men only exist by genetic accident.
71. Death is a state of mind, rather than an actual condition brought about by being stabbed, immolated, chewed up, crushed, poisoned, drowned, beheaded, chopped into little tiny pieces and scattered across all nine continents and both moons, etc. No one's dead until they're bored.
72. Minor NPCs are one exception, as they can be disposed of by anything from a toothpick to a strong breeze.
73. Physical strength is inversely proportional to muscle mass (especially in males). Albino elves can easily tunnel through mountains with their bare hands, while giant hulks often have trouble carrying pitchers of water.
74. Drugs and alcohol do not impair functionality. In fact, most mystically enhance physical power and/or magickal ability far beyond uninebriated limits.
75. A note on aerial manuvers- as long as you *choose* to make a sudden stop, it doesn't matter how fast you were going. For instance, stopping abruptly in midair while travelling at three hundred kilometers an hour to avoid slamming into a wall at three hundred kilometers an hour incurs no damage.
76. There is always another mysterious stranger, so if the last few died before choking out the secret location of the dragon's lair, ancient flying machine, demon gate, or whatever, don't sweat it.
77. Pedophilia isn't really pediophilia if no one remembers your character is ten.
78. Bar tables are made by enslaved kobolds in a factory near the Unibar, therefore, it does not matter how many are destroyed in bar fights.
79. Most demons can't actually manage real, world-threatening evil, so they end up being annoying, power-hungry meglomaniacs.

3 statements| Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

RPG definitions [13 May 2002|07:34am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | Andrew W.K.-Party Hard (Mikie?) ]

Breath Weapon: ability gained by eating 6 tacos and 2 beef and bean burritos, and then finding no Listerine.
2. Crossbowman: bowman in a foul mood.
3. Dragonlance: handy utensil used for popping dragon zits.
4. Fair Maiden: one step up from crappy maiden.
5. Fireballs: spell causing an unpleasant burning in the groin area.
6. Forgotten Realms: mysterious area just on the other side of player's underwear.
7. Magic Missle: a great way to get laughs from a female player when a male player claims he has one.
8. Magical Spheres: part of mage that is very susceptible to fireballs.
9. Non-Player Character: A character so dull nobody ever wants to play them... i.e. the bartender.
10. Range attack: what happens when player throws a stove.
11. Second Edition: first draft of third edition.
12. World of Darkness: where player finds himself after univited exploration of girlfriend's forgotten realms.

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

RPG definitions [13 May 2002|07:34am]
Breath Weapon: ability gained by eating 6 tacos and 2 beef and bean burritos, and then finding no Listerine.
2. Crossbowman: bowman in a foul mood.
3. Dragonlance: handy utensil used for popping dragon zits.
4. Fair Maiden: one step up from crappy maiden.
5. Fireballs: spell causing an unpleasant burning in the groin area.
6. Forgotten Realms: mysterious area just on the other side of player's underwear.
7. Magic Missle: a great way to get laughs from a female player when a male player claims he has one.
8. Magical Spheres: part of mage that is very susceptible to fireballs.
9. Non-Player Character: A character so dull nobody ever wants to play them... i.e. the bartender.
10. Range attack: what happens when player throws a stove.
11. Second Edition: first draft of third edition.
12. World of Darkness: where player finds himself after univited exploration of girlfriend's forgotten realms.
Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

RPG Choices [13 May 2002|07:30am]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Marylin Manson- The Beautiful People (Forceable entry ) ]

Sword or giant battleaxe:
Sword, because it's always magical. (unless you're a dwarf)
2. Leather armor or plate mail:
Leather armor, as above, and you can't have a lesbian fantasy in plate mail. (again, especially as there is a remarkable shortage of lesbian dwarves.)
3. A beat up, moth eaten pouch lying on the floor or a treasure chest:
the pouch. It contains a) a gem worth more than most kingdoms, b) a magic ring worth more than the gem, or c) a fuzzy animal that can metamorphisize into a giant raging demon, and can be fed happily on stale trail rations.
4. A rug or a horse:
That depends. The horse is an intelligent, vocal animal companion who exists soley to pass on the wisdom of the gods, but the rug can fly at speeds well in excess of sound (though still not fast enough to outfly an arrow shot by an average battlement archer).

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[12 May 2002|12:20pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | eve6-jordan ]

Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype at mutedfaith.com.

guess who
1 statement| Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

That personal survey that is secretly a goverment cenus [12 May 2002|12:17am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Avril Lavigne - Complicated ]

1. Your Full name: Keith E. Jackson
2. Birthday: November 1
4. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
5. Eye color: Brown
6. Hair color: Black
7. Hair Length: Short!
8. Height: 5'7"
9. Where do you live?: Hampton, Virginia
10. Were you born there, if not where: Buffalo,New York
11. What's one thing about you that makes you unique: Um... A reverse wigga
12. Nickname: Jigga K
13. Siblings: 2 Sisters(Brianna & Kobi)
14. Animals: 2 Black Cats and a well hidden flock of crows as well as a raven perched upon my bust of pallas
15. Favorite animal: Raven
16. What school do you go to: Bethel
17. Single?: Yesh
18. What grade are u in: 10th
19. How easy is it to make you laugh: easy
20. What person makes you laugh the most: Casey
21: Do you ever dance when no one is looking?: Yes
22: What is the worse song you have ever heard: Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby
23: What song(s) describe your personality best: Beastie Boys- You gotta fight for your right
24: When eating something are you more concerned with taste or Nutrition: Taste
25: Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat: No,unless of course its fish
26. What do you love most about the other Gender: Personality
27. What do you dislike most about the other sex: 3 Letters : P-M-S
28.What do you understand least about the other gender: One again P-M-S
29. What movie(s) make you cry: John Q
30. What has made you laugh so hard you have cried: Nothing.
31. If you could be cloned would you: Yeah,but if I had sex with my clone would it be considered masturbation or intercourse
32. What time of day do you feel your best: midnight
33. Do you get bored: yeah
34. Do you sleep: All the time
35. Do you like Christmas: yes.
36. What comes to mind when you think of water: Wet sex
37. Do you like rain: yes
38. Do you think it matters if girls wear makeup: Yes, because beauty that is claimed to be on the inside is just something ugly people say to feel pretty
39. Do you like T.V.: No.
40. Do you wear underwear: Yes.
41. What's your room like: The collection of wires only a super computer has... hope the FBI can't track em down
42. Do you believe in Ghosts: No
43. Do you like school: No
44. What's your best subject: English.
45. Can you sing: Yes.
46. Do you like Football: cheerleaders.
47. Do you like cooking: Yes
48. Who has had the most influence on you: Edgar Allen Poe
49. Have you ever stayed up ALL night: ALL the time.
50. Are you selfish: No.
51. Is your room clean right now: Yes
52. Are you a caring person: No, "that sounds like a personal problem"
53. Do you have stuffed animals: No.
54. Have you ever mooned anyone: No
55. Have you ever played truth or dare: Yup.
56. What do you think makes a good friend: Chicks.
57. Do you keep a diary: A livejournal.
58. Do you get good grades: No.
59. Do you go to bed early or late: Late Late
60. Do you talk about people behind their backs: Yeah,on occasion when they have pissed me off.
61. Have you ever played hard to get: Can't.
62. How would you describe your life: One word: Ok
63. What do you want to be when you grow up: Video game designing Journalist or a Film Maker or Matt Damion and Ben Afflac(Josh)
64. Do you want kids and how many?: No.
65. Do you want to get married: Yes?

~*~ Favorites ~

66. Color: Blue
67. Song: Back in black- AC/DC
68. T-shirts: Wife Beaters
69. Porn Star: Jenna Jameson
70. Actress: Tara Ried
71. Food: Ramen
72. Beverage:Mountain Dew
73. Movie: Scary Movie
74. TV Show: Scrubs
75. Actor: Jigga K
76. Subject: English
77. Day: Friday
78. Book: Dante's Inferno (Which I am reading again for a full understanding)
79. Book Series: None
80. Fantasy Book: Dante's Inferno
81. Place: Outside
82. Place to eat: Subway
83. Animal: Raven
84. Music group: Offspring
85. Store: AE
86. Possesion: Compiter
87. Cheese: Mexican
89. Sport: Nude Female Mudd Wrestling, actually soccer
90. Team: none
91 Magazine: Penthouse?
92. Season: Summer
93. Candy: Chocolate
94. Ice cream: Chocolate
95. T.V. channel: MTV
96. Radio stations: 96 X
97. Cereal: None
98. Scent: Vanilla
99. Video Game Series: King of fighters
100. Video Game: LEGEND OF MANA
101. Final Fantasy: 6

~*~Which do you prefer?~*~

102. Gold or silver? silver
103. English or Social Studies? English
104 Chicken or Pork? Chicken
105. Tight or loose fitting clothes? Loose
106. Shiney or dull? dull
107. Bright or dark? Dark
108. Raining or Snowing? Raining
109. Mercedes or BMW? BMW
110. Pool or beach? Pool
111. Lemon or Lime? lime
112. Rollar blade or bike? bike
113. Bitchy and beautiful or nice and ugly? Bitchy n' beauty
114. Friend or Family? Friend
115. Italy or France? France
116. Romance or flirt? Flirt,if I could
117. Dog or Cat? Cat
118. Kiss or Tongue? Tongue.
119. Tall or short? same height
120. Mac or PC? PC
121. Hug or kiss? Kiss
122. Song or Parody? Song
123. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
124. Pizza or Cheeseburger? Pizza
125. New York or Cancun? Cancun
126. White Chocolate or Regular chocolate? Whit with black swirls wait are we talking about hoes still?
127. Inside or outside? INside.
128. Skirt or Dress? Short Skirtz

~*~Which one of your friends is....~*~

129. Funniest: Chad
130. Dumbest (in a good way): Josh
131. Strongest: Corey
132. Strangest (once again in a good way!): Casey
133. Hottest: Kelli
134. Most artistic: Mikie
135. Most Creative: Corrick
136. Has the worst handwriting: Chad or Corey or Josh can't decide
137. Has the best handwriting: Mikie
138. The smartest: Corey(PJ grade wise I think)
139. Biggest Daredevil: Me,If I do what I say
140. Most likely to become famous: Josh
141. Most obsessed with music: Mikie
142. The most hyper: Casey
143. Most trusted: Casey
144. Most Annoying (in a good way again): Brian
145. Biggest Sport Fanatic: Josh
146. Shyest: Thomas
147. Boldest: Mikie
148. Prettiest Smile: Kelli
149. Most Handsome: (Only if I was homo)Josh
150. Biggest blabber mouth: PJ
151. Most-Talented: Casey
152. Most talkative: Tori
153. Greatest: Casey
154. Longest: Thomas
155. The one you can talk best to: Thomas
156. The one that can make you smile: Josh
157. The one that's always there for you: Casey
158. Most Sexiest: Tori
159. Horniest: Josh
160. Shortest Orgasm: N/A
161. Dirtyest mind: Josh
162. Most unusual ideas: Casey
163. Most boy/girl crazy: Josh
164. Loves scary movies: Casey,specially the old ones
165. Is kinda Ditzy: Chad
166. Biggest flirt: Josh
167. Most likely to cry at movies: Karen
168. Most likely to talk to hookers: Thomas(if hookers were dominatrixes)
169. Most likely to get a hooker: Josh
170. Most likely to become a sex machine: Mikie(an abusive one)
171. Has the neatest room: Me (currently)
172. Always getting laid: Pen Pen
173. Biggest party animal: Pen Pen
174. Always trying to be evil: Mikie
175. Personal Quote: "Damn skippy"

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

Damn it [11 May 2002|10:50pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Dir en grey- Ain't Afriad to die ]

Am I never mentioned in journals anymore? Well maybe I should give my synopsis of today... Today was spent in this order
Went to the hospital to get some X-rays of my leg done at about 11:30 this morning but the carplex was closed... Then I came home and ate lunch..Went to mikies house... Here at mikies house is when my day got interesting..We sat online waiting for thomas to venture over for a day of exicitement... not expecting followers (Casey and Chad) when they got there I offered a open ended win to anyone that would play me in DBZ... It was me verus chad... let me put it this way... Black strategic deck vs. Red full on assult deck. Chad one but it was down to the last 6 cards on both of our decks... I knew I had no defense coming so I just dealt with the loss.It was a fair match though.Somewhere in the battle casey and mikie went out back and began to battle Wakazashi vs. Quartersataff then thomas somehow slipped out the backdoor unnoticed with the sais..This caused distraction as me and chad finished up our game casey and mike finished up their match with this all said and done. I decided I would show mikie a thing or two about defensive martial arts in which I did so very well... this is where round two of Backyard action flick came into play Keith vs Mikie... Hand to Hand Combat... Everything thrown at me by mikie never landed ... all kicks caught and an attempt to toss mikies body was made only working once and almost throwing him into the pool. Round three consisted of Casey vs Thomas... This is one fight I watched in and out... I was more tending to the wound of the one kick mikie landed on me damaging me... and cutting me open. The fighting of course ended in casey being the victor. Round four consisted of Chad vs Mikie in which chad decided to make a system five strike and you lose... a old system used in kendo style tournaments... Chad was victorious for the minor fact when you block chad he somehow jabs your finger slightly.Round five then progressed a Thomas vs. Chadfight... staff(Twohanded sword) vs split staff(2 Raipers)... No distinct winner on this one as they seemingly quit although this was the hilarous fight... as thomas backed chad up to the pool chad didn't realize it was ther almost knocking himself out... this was found to be funny by the 4 of us minus chad. Then the fight progressed around the backyard chad having conrered thomas multiple times only for thomas to prevail easily out of the postion..... These were how the fights all went... but oh well I guess that was my day.. I am working on a new RPG as of now... and pondering what to base it around I am relying on thomas and casey for a nice backbone for the storyline

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[11 May 2002|11:11am]

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[11 May 2002|11:07am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Avril Lavigne - Complicated ]

Hmm... I am bored so I decided to type up some roleplay truths

Hair comes in vast amounts and in an odd color which seems to float in the air rather than lay flat as Gravity demands.

Nobody ever uses the door. Ever.

If they use the door, it usually involves ripping it off the hinges, bashing into it, or some other process that takes at least nine steps and seems unnecessarily complicated.

All men are at least six feet tall, and, when provoked to do so, could easily rip through a structurally sound brick wall.

All women have long hair that plays just right about their faces, ample breasts, tight or hanging clothing, and an irresistable smile, whether they want to or not.

"So you're all in a bar..."

Beware of children. Most of them are at least two hundred years old.

Beware of adults. Most of them are older.

While exploring, NEVER wander off by yourself. You will always get teleported, kidnapped, slaughtered, ambushed, assassinated, etc, etc...

A mute or otherwise talking-impaired creature can always communicate telepathically.

When at a place quite literally named "Suicide Cliffs," nobody will ever truly die. They will get saved at the last second, talked from jumping at all, or will simply land at the bottom and continue walking.

Every tavern, no matter HOW crowded, will always have one empty table apart from everybody else in a dark, secluded corner.

All newcomers are magnetically attracted to this table.

Once the newcomer sits at that table, a new empty table appears, in a new dark, secluded corner, to which the next newcomer will be instantly attracted.

No matter what you order, the bartender will always have two bottles left of it.

If a female plays a male character, expect it to be beautiful, mysterious, and bi/homo-sexual.

Any character the player bothers describing as "looks 18" is more likely over two hundred.

You can easily identify new players in the story by the distinct "PC" tatooed on their forehead for at least the first hour.

Many women are not really women.

Women who have ample breasts, skin-tight clothing, voluptuous curves, and pretty much anything else that belong to the stereotypical male fantasy...are usually men.

Women are more likely to have weapons, armor, equipment, and favors over men... which could be why men choose to play women characters. That or they just want to fulfill their lesbian fantasies.

If a man plays a girl, expect her to be a lesbian.

In the middle of the not very packed dance floor, expect a lesbian floor show.

When playing with werewolves, expect them to shift to Crinos. No matter how many mortals are around.

The aforementioned mortals will not notice.

No matter how small the room is, half the people will be in the rafters.

If a character is female, beautiful, and has long, flowing hair, she is either a vampire or a demon.

All vampires are kind, tortured souls angst-ridden over their need for fresh blood and desperately trying to make up for sins of the past.

A good portion of those will be creatively named "Angel."

Nobody ever dies.

If they do die, the body is discovered long before it can decompose, and is conveniently rushed to the nearest temple which, of course, can bring it back to life.

There is no such thing as an unexpected pregnancy.

It's amazing how dragonfear has no effect...

A newbie is easily picked out by his/her amazing strength and ability to dodge attacks...even fireballs cast at point-blank range.

Two words: half-kender, half-centaur.

Though it is an Amazon clan, men still ask to join.

Your character can always pick up a date quicker than you can, in any bar.

All bad guys attempt a room kill at least once.

The rooms with only three people in it are usually the rooms with the better role-players.

Women's laughter is always soft and tinkling like silver bells - never obnoxious snorts.

All children, even those who are two-hundred years old, have lisps.

When a character leaves a tavern, they must hover around the entrance for five minutes to see who they've lured into joining them.

Rarely will anyone notice anything happening in an inn besides their own conversation. Violent deaths are especially unlikely to draw anyone's attention.

There are no apprentice mages. All mages are either the most powerful on their world/in their school, or they are a total beginner that can't cast ANYTHING properly.

There are no parents. They have all been killed in some horrid fashion.

Tenders are an endangered species.

Everybody, without exception, is heavily armed at all times.

If you're any type of undead creature, somebody will eventually try to cast "Life" on you. After all, they've all played Final Fantasy...

1 statement| Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[11 May 2002|11:06am]

Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype at mutedfaith.com.

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

Preppiness is bliss [09 May 2002|10:59am]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | POD- Set it off ]

What is YOUR Highschool label?
Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[08 May 2002|06:26am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | D12 - Fight Music ]

Wow, Am I maturing or are my hormones simply out of flow once again... I ask this question because... I am actually have began to feel empathy for those in lower places than me. I don't know why this is but ... I think it was meant to be this way.
Oh Oh Oh I saw Tori yesterday, I don't know why this is but I felt my body fill up with rage probaly because I know I still Love her and know that her other Ex-Boyfriend Mike... Only wanted to screw her.. oh my god I just want to kill him... Oh well... No One cares to read my entries anymore... And Cory thanks for the comment... It brought me back to my original trend of think " I am lower than most people in this world and also I am a total idiot." Oh well... Maybe I shouldn't speak with him.. I also know I have almost completely drifted away from the group.. Oh well I will start walking to school now
Jigga K

2 statements| Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[07 May 2002|08:43pm]

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[07 May 2002|07:33pm]

I taste like Menthol.

I am refreshingly different; some people don't appreciate that. My sharp honesty gets up some people's noses, while others really enjoy it. I am something of an acquired taste. What Flavour Are You?

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

Thunder and Lightining while I am test taking [07 May 2002|07:29pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Thunder rumbling ]

Find your emotion! [?]

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[07 May 2002|07:22pm]
My aura is---We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Crystal vibe. That shimmering, iridescent aura reveals your sensitive, introspective nature. A soft-spoken romantic at heart, you like to think of life as a fairy tale ? complete with a happily-ever-after ending. But when you occasionally misplace your rose-colored glasses, your idealism can take a pounding. That's when you retreat inward, spending meditative time by yourself to restore your sometimes-too-fragile outlook on the world. Because of your delicate sensibilities, you prefer people and activities that don't challenge your ways and views. But once you find a kindred spirit, you're fiercely loyal ? friends 'til the end. Quiet and gentle, you're a thoughtful soul with a shining light around you
Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[07 May 2002|07:05pm]
The Un-Telligence test results
"The subject shows a very high level of intelligence, and his sense of observation is one of his best qualities. Considering this, he shows a lot of potential, but that's only part of the equation.

"But what concerns us most about him is his sinister and violent attitude. While we almost find it amusing that the subject would rather kill something than suffer a minor inconvenience, it effectively destroys his ability to survive tight situations. Our study suggests there is a 30% chance that he will end up in prison!

"Finally, the subject displayed a healthy (better than most net freaks anyway) sense of humor, a decent and respectable sense of morality, and a lack of self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals."

Final Score: 55% Un-telligent
Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

Angels in according order to what I would be [07 May 2002|10:44am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Alica Keys - Pick up the phone ]

Which Angel would you be?
By Angel Falls

Which Angel would you be?
By Angel Falls

Which Angel would you be?
By Angel Falls

Make a statement(Fashion,verbal,physical)

[06 May 2002|06:20am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | D12 - Fight Music ]

Hmmm... It seems once again I will not be getting that full dosage of sleep every child needs to be sucessful in life... So why not entertain the mass media with my livejournal? This weekend was as bland as the flavor of Brisk (THE ICE TEA COMAPNY) Lemonade. I was dragged out of my house friday and forced to live with nothing except a radio and I was lucky if I could listen to that, I had reconciled running away because my mother plans to move very soon... *sniffles* I don't wanna move. Anyways today is the start of SOL week.. The Standards of Learning.... Yeah they fuckin only teach school to get us to pass these... We never look back on the SOLs either. Do colleges Have SOLs? No... So when Virgina students go to college now days all they know is shit like SOL 7.5 Students will be able to add two plus two... This crap is Shit people it is a finer form of crap. Well on the other side Yesterday... being sunday... being a supposed holy day... I couldn't have a single millisecond to myself... And for lack of comfort I slept on a couch seeing that my grandmother wanted to sleep on my bed for the next two weeks what kind of shit is that. Well I will bring this entry to a conclusion possibly an update after school for the mass media.
"Idle hands seem to end up at the genitals, and we all know god hates idle hands" - that one Aqua Teen episode

Wow Angie, where do you find these things....I didn't even know he had a 2nd acct. I AM NOT stalking you Keith!!!

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