Application for ilpromenade

Dec 21, 2010 20:03


✧ NAME: Mi
✧ LJ USERNAME: nanami_hibino
✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): Despicable Mi (aim) - The Joy of - aokigahara (Plurk)
✧ CURRENT MUSE LIST: N/A (Though I do have Maka Albarn (Soul Eater) reserved and her app will follow shortly.)


✧ NAME: Naoto Fuyumine
✧ SERIES: Dogs: Bullets & Carnage

There are still unanswered questions about Naoto's past. Born to a world that included human experimentation and underground levels, Naoto's parents were butchered by a katana's blade when she was just a child. In the bloody aftermath she was left suffering from amnesia and bearing a large X-shaped scar across her chest. She was found and taken in by a swordsman that she believed to be her parent's murderer. Unable to remember her own real name, he gave her the name "Naoto," but never told her his own. He raised and trained her in swordsmanship, using her anger and hatred of him as fuel. He also mentored an aggressive young man named Magato, who at one point attacked and stripped Naoto, but was fortunately stopped by the swordsman. Magato later killed the man, both to fulfill his own dreams of surpassing him and to "liberate" Naoto. Enraged by the murder of the one she'd come to think of as her father, Naoto attacked and defeated Magato. He rewarded her with information, including the name of her parent's real killer and the person who'd cut her -- Naoto, the same name that she'd been given. She later learned the swordsman's name, Fuyumine, and adopted it as her family name.

Taking the katana that had been left behind by Fuyumine, Naoto was determined to find more answers and have her revenge. She wanted to know more about the man she'd come to think of as her father. But more than anything she wanted answers regarding the original Naoto, so that she could hunt down the assassin who killed her parents and left her scarred for life. Her search brought her to a man called Bishop's church, where she met and befriended the mute winged girl Nill. She began to follow after Badou and Heine, whom she was much less fond of. In fact, it could be argued that she hated Heine, in part for his vicious ways during battle. ...But that didn't stop her from stalking him. Naoto was certain that he held the key to the answers she was seeking. A visit to Granny Liza's for information started with the old woman being alarmed at the sight of her katana. Once she heard Naoto's story, Liza told her how Fuyumine would show up from time to time, returning abducted children without saying a word. And though she didn't know much more than that, she knew that he had the same black bladed katana that Naoto now called her memento.

Her next clue, along with a strange fear, came when a certain train rolled through. There was a woman on it. And Naoto was certain that she'd seen that woman's eyes before.

The mysterious trains later returned to the underground stations and started bombing, while even stranger soldiers in black dog-like masks marched off of them and started to attack. Naoto took up the fight against them, along with Heine and other of Granny's demi-human children. She was rattled when one of the soldiers attacked her with a knife like the one Fuyumine gave her in the beginning. But Heine was pretty good to snap her out of it in his usual way -- with lots of bullets. When he sensed her hesitation to kill, he reassured her that the soldiers were never alive or dead to begin with. Naoto stopped holding back after that, knowing that if she faltered, she would die. She had promised that she wouldn't be a sheep. But more importantly, if she died, she wouldn't be able to protect anything.

While Heine was dealing with Giovanni, the weird soldiers suddenly started slowly down and acting strangely. They suddenly started exploding. Just one was enough to throw everyone completely off their feet. But with hundreds still scattered throughout the underground, no one would survive if they all went off...except Heine. Naoto attacked Giovanni with her throwing knives. But as the detonation drew closer, she ran off to where Nill was hidden.

The end result was over 300,000 dead or missing. With the stations also destroyed, travel between the surface and the underground level was all but impossible. Everything was plunged into chaos. Somehow, Naoto and the others survived. And she returned the favor by snapping Heine out of it this time. And when he tried to compare himself to the monsters that had attacked them, she reminded him that he had tried to protect them. Heine was forced to go more in-depth about his past to explain why he wasn't capable of saving or protecting anyone.

And that's when Magato showed up...

✧ TIMELINE: End of Chapter 57

Who she was before is still a mystery, even to her.

Naoto's silence makes her seem like a cold person at first. And while it's true that she's highly skilled with her katana and unafraid to use it, it's also true that she wants to protect those weaker than herself. And she's got what it takes to back it up. But Naoto also wants to use those skills to help her get the revenge that drives her. Years of training under Fuyumine, along with her natural speed and agility, give her the potential to be just as much killer as defender -- even if she often doesn't want to face that fact about herself.

Naoto is fiercely independent, one who will not sell herself out for anything. She's also far from stupid, and more curious about others than her quiet nature might lead you to believe. Her smiles are rare, but genuine when given. At times she can be a little too serious and easily annoyed (especially by certain people). She is either stubborn or fiercely determined, depending on how you look at it. The two really are just opposite sides of the same coin, and both undoubtedly helped her in the role being Heine's stalker. But Naoto never lets go, especially when it comes to vengeance. Despite having that as her driving force, Naoto actually does possess high moral standards and a vulnerable side, as well as a gentle side that's most often shown to Nill. Her past was stolen, and because of that she isn't always sure what she's searching for because she doesn't know if anything of value was taken from her. But leaving things as they are isn't an option -- it would be the same as being dead. During those moments when her past and unanswered questions overwhelm her Naoto is definitely lost and confused, crying out to ghosts for help.

Though it's far less obvious than in Heine, Naoto does possess something of two sides. She appears to be a calm and patient sort of person, but that all changes when it comes to battle. Then she turns into something fierce and potentially lethal, something that believes you have to cut to ribbons anything and anyone that comes at you with fangs bared. Since the massive attack on the underground, Naoto's priorities have started to change. She had always been chasing after her past, focused on revenge. But now she has things that she wants to protect, so she's chosen to wield her sword for that purpose.


Naoto is highly skilled with her katana, using a mixture of speed, flexibility, and acrobatics when she fights. She also has the original knife that Fuyumine gave her to fight with hidden up her sleeve, and seems to have picked up a few more along the way.


✧ MASK DESIGN: Naoto's mask will be white and rather plain, with an "X" cut across the front of it.



[The device's video turns on, showing the young woman's face, hints of mingled curiosity and suspicion in her expression.]

Does this thing belong to me now?

[Naoto studies it a few moments longer, experimenting until she has it figured out. It doesn't take very long.]

I'm looking for some information...

[She trails off, and after a brief struggle to continue, finally sighs and lets it go.]

Nevermind. That can wait. What I'm really looking for is a young winged girl. Or a man with an eyepatch. Or...

[Her expression twists a little. Might as well say it and get it over with.]

An albino with an itchy trigger finger. Or anyone who survived the explosions in the underground. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I'm not alone here, am I?

[There's just a hint of a frown at that before she sighs again and puts the device down. Chances are she'll have to find those answers on her own.]


Information could be as dangerous as any weapon, as valuable as any drug. But it wasn't just the informants who were aware of that, Naoto knew it too. That's why it always came with a price tag attached. It was a fact that she had learned and accepted long ago. Back then, the underground that she knew was nameless. But here in this new land, it would surely have another name. So she'd ventured there, taking her katana and looking for answers to all the new questions she'd had since waking up here.

She'd also learned that sometimes the price to be paid for information wasn't in money. Some dealers preferred flesh, no matter how scarred it was. Sometimes, like now, they even tried to take it. When it came to that, things like names and locations became little more than details. It was unacceptable.

But it was also oddly comforting to know that some things never changed.

Her katana was drawn from the black scabbard and extended towards the man in one fluid motion. The tip of the blade hovered less than an inch from the man's throat, and it followed the bobbing of his adam's apple as he swallowed. How fast the tables could turn was something else that was the same here, and he, and the man should be ashamed of not knowing it too. There was no verbal response from him, no instant pleading for his life. He merely closed his eyes. It gave her a chance to study him, her eyes impassively following a bead of sweat as it rolled down the side of his face.

Naoto sighed and re-sheathed her katana before thrusting the hilt into the man's gut, doubling him over from the pain of the impact. At least he wouldn't be cut today, no matter how repulsive he was.

She was holding back again. Maybe she wouldn't have if it had been anyone else. In the past, imagining him with white hair and red eyes would've worked. Maybe if she could've just imagined a black dog mask on him, or a man with long hair and wild eyes...

"Enough." Naoto snapped herself out of those thoughts with a single word, before they had a chance to irritate her. She had a feeling that there would be plenty of other things here that would do that all on their own.

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