Mismash of Nicole's thoughts

Aug 15, 2008 16:14

Another birthday has come and gone. I feel much closer to 30. But I don't feel any older. I had a good birthday, even if I was a neglectful friend. Have been doing things and getting out of the house. It feels nice.

Finally got started on some of the home improvement projects. Beige, your days are numbered. The walls are closing in on me. In small doses the beige is okay. I am hoping that when I get this barbecue planned you will all get to see the new colors. We have bought much of it so it is too late to change our minds. Last night we started to stain the deck. It is a beautiful color called Hedgehog. It's dark, but I like it. We started it around 9 pm when it was cool. Was an interesting plan seeing as how it gets dark by 9:30. So we painted much of it in the dark. Which was probably better. We underestimated how much we would actually use so we sorta ran out right at the end. Now all that is left is the sides and touch ups on the top. Totally do able. This means that I can rearrange my yard on my days off. My pretty flowers can join the deck again so I can admire them much more easily. And then the barbecue can live outside again.

My work is trying to drive me nuts. Lately everyone keeps asking me about my full time. I figured that harassing people about something I'm not overly concerned with wasn't worth my time. However, today my store manager asked me if I was still interested today. I told him yes. Then I fretted about it because I didn't think to ask if the position was in the current location. Thank god it is. So I may be full time soon. Which is good and bad. I have been enjoying the unlimited time off. It may make visiting New York anytime soon difficult. Hopefully I can work around that.

Am getting excited about my halloween costume. I am going to be Lilo/Hula girl. So my big issue is trying to make a grass skirt, not from crepe paper or plastic bags. Either of those options seem to be childish. So I think that I will get to spend some quality time in the craft stores to track down some other possibilities. Raffia seems like a good idea, I just don't know if it will be long enough... Things to check out on my days off.

bakery fun, halloween goodness, life thoughts, house insanity

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