Halloween Happenings

Oct 28, 2012 11:29

The Halloween party was awesome as always. Somehow we ended up with an accidental 80's theme, I was Robin Sparkles, Bess was Smurfette, and Danielle was a carebear! It was an amusing night as someone got drunk enough that she was having shoe issues that made for some hilarious moments. It also felt like a much younger crowd this year so the dance floor was packed. We also realized that this one older creepy guy (the Uncle Dick type) comes every year and wears the same costume and creeps on the ladies all night. But it seems like there is one of those at almost every event! Pictures should be coming soon...

I am happy to report that the last wedding I went to I had no creeper interactions. It was actually one of the nicest weddings I've been too. Heather, who was also there alone, and I decided that we hope the bride remembers where she hired these people because we might just recreate her wedding. The cake went over well, I got a shoutout during the speeches and had a few people come over and tell me how delicious it was. It's amazing how some flavoring in a cake mix can make cake magic. But it was a lovely wedding for a bride who is more interested in the honeymoon travel than the wedding!

I'm on an actual long weekend, with three days off together. My idiot manager is on vacation so my assistant had to move things around on the schedule and I got an extra day off. With my late night I'm really appreciating that right now. It's also an awesome weekend because it is the weekend of Garth. Tracy is a big Garth Brooks fan and finally decided to go to Vegas to see him perform, thankfully my mom was up for going with her. I think this was her post UFE test present. She had good timing as he is only doing 2 more shows in the near future. The whole plan was for him to just perform as long as he wanted and he doesn't want to anymore. I got a text message saying that she can't describe how good it was and that all his junk was on a super sale as he's almost done his performances. The big gift here is that the mooch is gone until she returns so I'm all alone for my weekend. It's been good so far. It does mean that I've been watching ridiculous amounts of Castle. I'd never watched the show before but one of the ladies at work lent me the first two seasons and I'm a little addicted.

I've also seen a few movies. I have a credit card where I get points to see movies and I have a retarded amount of points. The peons behind the counter are always shocked, the last one was discussing with his friend how to take some I think, only I was standing right there... I went to see Taken 2 with my Dad, wow was that a terrible movie. And I'm the type who doesn't really critize the movie, but we ended up making fun of the movie while it was playing. Alex Cross was good, I'd say it was worth my couple hours in the theatre. Jubilations has also had a few good shows lately, I find I enjoy the story a little more if I'm familiar with the show they are mocking, but we went to see Ghostbusted and it was one of my favorite shows I've seen there.

halloween goodness, movie theatre time!, life's so entertaining

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