WOW! ...the best is at the bottom!

Apr 17, 2005 21:17

So first of all PROM was blast! I had so much fun with all of my girls! Brennan was a sweetheart and we had a lot of fun! Thurs we went and got his tux and then to dinner and watched part of Happy Gilmore! He gave all of my family the presents he got for us! HIs earrings were beautiful and matched the dress perfect! Fri we woke up and went to the lake for like 5hours! We went tubbing and oh my god it was fun! NO body got hurt... but i think i might have a bit of whip lash but whatever! Then we bbq at my house and then i had to go worka t the track meet!Got home around 7 went to dinner, walmart to get a fishing lisence 4 Brennan, then mini golfing and we ended up getting to play arcade games 4 free for like an hour or so! Went home went to bed :( woke up sat went fishing with my dad and bren! We caught nothing! We only ahd i sware 2 bites and they were both on my poles! hahahaha! Thenm we got home i made bren chicken quesadillas! and we tried to watch a bit more happy gilmore but i had to go get a shower and then i left to get my hair done w/ alysha! HAir completed, we went to alyshas to get her stuff nad we put on some sunless tanner! Got back to mi casa around 5 everyone came over and we dashed around for about an hr trying to get everything done by 6! We were a bit late but it was ok! Got to my grandparents and took a bunch of pictures! Wow some of them are so flipping good! Ate dinnerand dessert, got on the bus went to prom got pics danced lindsey got propm queen and kimball got king! Tommi got princess which was funny cuz the girl Sam didnt even though she was on MTV for made!got back on the bus and drove till 130 dancing the nigth away in the bus it was increadibly fun! Probably better than actual PROM! came back to my house and did nothing but definitly didnt sleep! Everyone left around 11 i picked up a bit and then bren and i went to christinas and then Alyshas where we swam and hung out, slept a bit played N64! HAha then bren and i left wetnt home got his tux returned it went to mis abuelas to get a camera cord then he packed and i downloaded pics then we ate dinner finished packing and getting everything together and we let for the airport.... Saw Brennan off and now im at home! BUT..... The best news is i am going to PROM with Brennan in Cali! ITs in 3weeks!!!!!! I need to get another dress! and i ahve no idea what to wear! i really cant afford to get another but......if ud like to donate to me let me know! Im so excited...but wow im so upset and frusturated about him! It drives mecrazy cuz i know we are supposed to be together but like he saud how come it never ends up working out? alright well i g2g do hwk!
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