Aug 21, 2005 05:03
soo its 4:46am what the fuck am i doing up you ask??
doing the traditional all nighter before going home from NJ
....i love it far away from everyones bull and its just me mike and rhodes...and of course the beautiful ally and jenna....oh how i love mikes sisters :-D
so pretty much my week consisted of... me mike and rhodes staying up until 2 or 3 and than going to the beach in the morning...than stone harbor at night....we did go to Ocean City ...which was VERY and rhodes did a version of SCREAM there it was soooo sick, yet very scary. i also got a corona extra sweater which is sweeeet even though i will never ever drink again...well thats a false statement until college..AHH i did see 40 Year Old Virgin soon as i get homeim going to see that again...I HIGHLY recommend that movie...anyways... when i grow up i hope to be that i can have a house here...and bring my kids here....*snaps* for avalon... im really sad im leaving in 6 as a celebration im staying up all night and typing to you guys :-D
im sorry i stopped updating i missed my EL JAY it was like my at home therpist...*not that i need one* hehe.
...and in addition to gettin a nice tan ...i really realized how much i love michael...even tho im mean to him somtimes it doesnt mean i dont love him...idk why im mean to him...i dont deserve him hes to nice to me...hes sucha genuine boy...i honastly have nothing bad to say about him...hes the best boyfriend i've ever had...and despite what all you guys think i really do love him and appreciate him...i just wish i went to east catholic so i could see him more often...
..but i would miss GHS...even tho i say i hate it...i really do love it and i really do love my friends...even tho im a hugeeee bitch somtimes...okay...a little more than sorry guys :-/
i find myself growing up at the end of every summer...
im gona be a junior next year...than after a senior than college...oh still a little girl...
....boy oh really not ready to ever grow up.
** Sighhhhh**