An Arrangement

May 16, 2010 10:47

TITLE: An Arrangement
AUTHOR: J Stravinski
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Minerva/Severus
FEEDBACK: Much appreciated. Particularly to point out blatant errors.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anyone who weighs the same as a duck. Their creators are much more talented.
NOTES: Thank you to accioslash for the beta.


Minerva and Severus had an arrangement. Once a week, she proposed, he would make her a potion, and in return, she would spend an hour having tea in his chambers.

It was not that he required an obligation in order to withstand Minerva's presence, nor, truth be told, that he disliked company. Rather, he disliked pity, and by safeguarding their meetings as a contractual arrangement, he was ensuring it wasn't that.

The first time they kissed Minerva was on her way out the door. Touching a hand to his lips, she said, "I'd rather not have to wait a week."

Severus reached for the phial held between her fingers, and poured its contents into two smaller containers. Handing them to her, he said, "It counts as two potions."

The first time they made love, she entered his chambers to find candles, roses, and a cauldron bubbling away, surrounded by an army of glassware. Later, as she got up to leave, he indicated the cauldron, and asked, "How many potions would you like this week?"

*** *** ***

Fifteen years on, Minerva walks through the cemetery and sits beside his headstone. Withdrawing her hand from her cloak, she places the phial on the ground, her eyes glancing over the small mountain of similar weathered containers, and tells him about her day.

harry potter, pg, 200-500 words

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