I wanna go back to school!

Jul 22, 2008 13:26

Summer Sucks. I wanna go back to school. Even though,at times I really hate it. Because of the drama and shit like that. But yeah. There is nothing to do at home. Really. All you can do is sit around and eat some chips. Well, that's what I've been doing. I bet most of you guys have lives. So yeah. Anyways, what you guys been up to? My sister has been hogging the computer. And whenever she's off the computer is all 'overheated'. Shit. But yeah. I finally convinced her to bug off. lol.

Oh yeah. What's up with that Santino and Beth Pheonix thing? Watched them fight and kissed and I was like "What the fuck?" Kinda weird.

tv, chips, summer, santino marella, sister, beth pheonix, computer

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