Sory again!!!

Jul 19, 2008 14:45

 Today's my brother's birthday!!! And where's Kaitlyn? Oh wait. She always comes to parties late!!! lol. Sorry for not being on livejournal much. My computer's sorta broken. Like it shuts down every 10 minutes. My brother keeps downloading all this shit on it. And my mom might be cutting down our internet soon :( But I can still go online at Kaitlyn's house, so that's good! I will never leave! muah-haha! lol

My summer's been freakin boring! Just at home watching tv or playing basketball. I can't even go anywhere because my dad will say it's not safe to be outside by myself and that there are a lot of crazy people. I feel sorry for Kaitlyn though. She has to babysit Kyla all day. lol. At least she's getting paid.:) Oh! I need to comment entries! lol

kaitlyn, happybirthday, livejournal, brian, kyla, basketball

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