"Betrayal of Generations"

Nov 04, 2012 22:19

When I saw this headline in the Russian-language 7 Дней (7 Days) newspaper, I knew that the article was going to make me facepalm.

Most Russian-language periodicals published in the Chicago area are right-leaning to some extent or another. 7 Days is not as far to the right as Обзор (Observer), but it still reflects the beliefs and biases of its ( Read more... )

translations, politics, culture, russian-american community, social issues

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Comments 4

hettie_lz November 5 2012, 04:31:10 UTC
You know, that's actually VERY interesting observations - that it's not about "soviet immigrants", but rather about generation. I never though about this :) making things more hopeful and more hopeless at the same time.


_rinka_ November 8 2012, 02:27:17 UTC
I think you're totally right - the aversion to what is perceived as "socialist" ideas is common to people of all backgrounds who believe that industriousness is the only legitimate path to prosperity. It could be more acute in people who despite being educated, energetic, and industrious in Soviet Union, could not achieve what they considered (and rightfully so) chelovecheskaya (I am guessig that's what you translated that as "human") life, and emigrated in pursuit of such life for themselves and their children.

From my familiarity with the platforms of the two candidates (which no doubt leaves much to be desired), it does appear though that people needed to choose the lesser evil, and I think that's why the article you've quoted is anti-Obama but not at all for-Romney.


otake November 10 2012, 03:33:31 UTC
Одна из распространённых особенностей позиции тех, кого в Штатах принято называть "либералами" - электората Обамы и Дем. партии: большинство из них за то, чтобы расширить сферу социальной заботы (от пособий по безработице до бесплатных противозачаточных средств) - на при одном непременном условиии - чтобы это было не за их счёт. Скажи Обама, что для выполнения этих программ нужно увеличить налоги его электората - не быть ему президентом! Быть щедрым за счёт других - позиция достаточно удобная... При этом официальная статитика говорит о том, что вредные консерваторы жертвуют на благотоворительность в среднем больше, чем "либералы" - видимо, под воздействием мракобесной церковной пропаганды, которая агитирует за благотворительность за счёт собственных средств :-)


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