25.07.2016, 03:00
Cover Snark: Sassy Gargoyles, the Pit Check, & Bulging Biceps Today is a good day for Cover Snark! Fair warning that you probably should abstain from eating or drinking while reading this post.... Continued here This post has two purposes. First of all, I wanted to link to a bit of entertaining romance novel cover snark (a long-stranding feature over at
smartbitches). As always, it's pretty entertaining and, eriously, where did this guy's leg go?
Second - a few weeks back, I complained on Twitter that Smart Bitches, Trashy Books did away with Addthis share button. When I review novels, I always like to talk about how I heard about them, and since I found out about a lot of romance novels thanks to Smart Bitches' reviews, I like linking back to them. Addthis share buttons let you share on most social networks and blogging platforms in existence, including Livejournal. Without it... Well, I can still open Livejournal in a separate tab and insert the link, but there was a certain utility to being able to create a post with a link already there just by clicking the share button.
(Plus, addthis lets you share articles on social networks that aren't popular in the English-speaking world but which are widely used elsewhere, like (just to use the Russian examples) Vkontake and Odmoklassniki)
To my surprise, site owner Sara Windell not only responded directly, but actually had her web person (web people?) go through the trouble of putting in a Livejournal share button. It was kind of similar to the way Russian sites used to do it (but don't do so much anymore) where it copies the first few lines of text. Unlike those sites, it doesn't copy the headline, or the images, or the link.
But it did give me an idea. While I liked that aspect of the Russian sites, it wasn't that useful in an English-language blog, where the non-Russian-speaking readers can't read it. But that wouldn't be a problem with Smart Bitches links. So, using the old gazeta.ru sharing code as a template and adding the text that got posted when I clicked the LJ share button, I created... well, see the top of this post.
I'm not sure I would go through the trouble of doing it for every post, but so long as I have a few minutes to spare, it's actually pretty fun.
At least to me.