Apr 28, 2008 10:51
I am only here today because of a bullet that did not fire from a Barrretta pistol. Hence, I am deeply grateful to be able to share what I’ve learned with you today. I understand the difficult journey of climbing out of deepest depression and have many tactics for preventing its return.
So what do you do when you find yourself dreaming up dreadful ideas of death? The first thing to do is to remember that, even if you cannot feel it now, there was once part of you that wanted to thrive. What did you want to thrive for? Why did you want to thrive for that? I often find that, even if the exact possibility is lost, the essence of the purpose is not without merit. For example; in the case of a job or lover that is lost as an option there is always the remaining desire to move toward a similar goal. There comes the time to make a choice that is yours alone to make. At that time you must look inside and find the strength to want to. You can do whatever you want if you remember that you will not always succeed at the first attempt and are not even guaranteed success after one-thousand attempts. I believe that the worst thing that can happen to me is death from exhaustion of tenacity.
I can either live like I want to die or die like I want to live. I would rather succeed at feeling alive and fail at every task I set out to do than feel dead inside and accomplish everything that I tried. It is the experience of trial and error; of risk and gamble that makes me truly feel alive. I believe that depression is simply the loss of this value. Over time the loss becomes a wall that closes away your perception of available options; blinds my eyes to the infinite possible choices that are always available.
I believe that the best way to overcome depression is to be aware of its earliest symptoms. Often depression is not dealt with by professionals until a person is in such a severe emotional state that they often wish they were dead. It is much easier to deal with frustration and sadness when you are not yet feeling daunted and defeated.
When I notice that I’m losing steam to fuel the trip the first thing I do is take a break. Often I will set a task or goal aside until after I have had time to relax and rest. If others are involved I explain to them that I need time to introspect. Part of introspection is is letting go of all current conceptions of reality and seeking simple pleasures like a good meal, a friendly conversation, and a nice sleepy dream.
After my mind is at ease I peacefully resume operations. I re-evaluate the complete situation from a fresh frame of thought. I sometimes find that the answer has been processed subconsciously by my brain in the time that passed. When I still find myself stuck I check with what resources I have at hand like friends, books, and the internet. If, after which, I remain stymied I re-check the path I am on.
When you reach a dead end in your journey it is time to re-search your intentions. Is the path you are on actually leading to the desired destination? Perhaps even, in fact, the desire is doing the misleading. When I listen to the world around me I can see many paths. The choices for living are infinite. To be honest, I’ve never had an expectation that wasn’t surpassed by the gift that the universe actually had to give to me. To get to what the universe has in store, we need to continue to live and take new paths and risks until it is revealed. I realize that there is never such a thing as defeat as long as I can still take a breath.
Emotional turmoil, at times, can make me begin to feel that all is lost. The walls of perception start closing in and my options seem limited. When all else fails I think about what I want and give even the "impossible" a go. Even if I do not reach what I had hoped to accomplish I am in a completely new frame of mind that is fueled by the wisdom of the new experience. This is always enough to refresh my ability to thrive and to feel alive. It is this rebirth in the journey that places me at the crossroads of opportunity.
Life can be filled with highs and lows. It is always important to remember, however, that happiness and fulfillment is a path to walk. When one is always longing for past or future joy one misses out on the wondrous rapture of the present moment. I am a realistic optimist. I understand that it is crucial to remember in any gaiety or lament that "this too shall pass."
I am not saying that I have never given up. What happened when I pulled that trigger you may call coincidence or luck. It is my personal choice to give the credit to the great mysterious spirit that many call God. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I am happy to be breathing and have a heart that continues to beat. I know that who I was died irrevocably when that gun fired the bullet after I pulled it away from my head and shot it into the sky. Afterwords I took that journey from the bottom of the stairs of despair to the loving life I live now. I claim only that I have found sweet content in a flourishing spirit that I hope all others who seek can know. There are ups and downs in the storms of growth. Nothing is perfect unless perfect is exactly what this journey is.