Apr 14, 2008 15:28
Ashley Kuchta
Writing & Rhetoric A Soft Riot
The picture “The Revolution” is not what you think it might be, not pending at the brink of a long awaited answer to an unrelated question. It won't arrive draped in hot pink angora shawls, or anything as brazen. No this “revolution” will not be advertised. (Not in the tabloids or on the billboards.) Even though this picture is well known you will never see it unless it’s located hiding somewhere amidst the URLs of cyber space or on some tacky peace now sticker. The sloth of a people, engaged in video games, more interested in the Dance-Dance variety of revolution. Wherein the most momentum mustered exists in the turning of car wheels. Rubber to asphalt. Round and round. Thoughts do not evolve, although the wheels revolve. Not the type of revolution needed to remedy the stagnant exhaust hanging in the moribund air. Why does no one seem to care?
The fist in “The Revolution” encapsulates purposeful movement, the spirited energy - the stimulation rushing through the universal breeze. This is the revolution in itself! And what I see is abandoning avoidance and wishful thinking and cease the enabling blinking. Stop slamming shut eyes to the actuality of this crumbling world. The revolution will free us all. Only if we would let it, or maybe get at it through love, devotion, unity and acceptance. How have these words become so mundane? And why are we waiting for a hydrating rain of these qualities to drench us through and through while we stand on the beach gazing absently to the ocean wherein swims a commotion of adoration and embrace? We have come face to face with the revolution. Convolution blocks the conversation but we better get clear before the radiation permeates inextricably - irrevocably - permanently.
We desperately need, although few seem to crave or heed the information that the revolution knows. Instead we wallow in hollow woes worrying instead of acting, facilitating the recreation of past mutilation and terror. The recycling of humanity's horrors will last eternally without a vaudeville of voices vehemently declaring their thorough detestation for the violation of woman and mankind alike. Without the revolution life is lost, costing individuals either breath or inspiration and ultimately without the revolution all passion and love will be tossed to the wind then pinned under earth never to be found again.
My revolution will look like a brightly colored room. It will not wear all black or have intimidating hairstyles. My revolution will be badly matched: plaids with polka dots. It will begin with motion, a huge motion, and the big bang motion. The same motion that caused moons to fall for rotating balls of problems. We'll know only one word to call it... Love. It will start as a teenager and grow to be a child. My revolution will not have confusing phrases or demoralizing fads, or long-winded mission statements...in fact, I have just decided my revolution will have only one rule: that nothing can be written. One has to be creative enough to say it, show it, or know it.
My revolution will be the evolution of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Persuading non-violent but effective acts like wedgies for every member of Capitol Hill so they can start doing something more constructive with hands. Such as pulling Fruit of the Looms from their asses. My revolution will include all the mo-hawked hair freaks, bow-tied mathaletes, or last to be picked for the kickball league, because everyone is welcome in my revolution. Including but not limited to: Girl who loves girl, Boy who loves girl, Boy who loves skirts, Girl who loves herself, and Boy who could love just about anyone... If anyone who just turn their head to him. It attends roller derby instead of football will eat popcorn for dinner and watch romantic comedies (when it feels so inspired.) It doesn't care if people think it's silly, cause humor makes people laugh and laughter will fuel any train of change I don't care who you are. So there!!!!
My revolution will send stamped letters because it understands that getting something in your mailbox besides coupons and bills can be life-changing. It will call its mother at least once a week. Finish more sentences. It won’t get distracted during tax time. It will listen to all sorts of music except polka and mariachi. (Because let's be honest... That's pretty awful stuff.) It will go to all sorts of churches, except the ones that encourage mass suicides, and bizarre comet rides...
(Because let's be honest... That's pretty awful stuff.) It will eat ice cream with a fork, vacuum naked and paint walls with a single hair brush, demonstrating attention to detail.
My revolution will judge intelligence not by tests, but by how well one can carry a conversation! Because I'm honestly sick of small talk and I'm the leader so I get to decide these details. Bjork will be the mascot. Trader Joes will sponsor all events. In our meetings, we will cuddle. My revolution is going to be awesome... I hope you agree. Because politics will be fun, you will be inspired, and we will single handedly changed the universe... one wedgie at a time. So will you stand beside the revolution grasping its hand and marching onward toward peace? Trudge past the empty sand and get back to the vast and flourishing garden?