Went to see Batman:The Dark Knight last night. It was good. Not great but good. The reports are true - Heath Ledger is about as perfect a Joker as one could possibly imagine.
IMHO - Ironman is still the best Superhero movie ever made - Not that it's a contest but if it was, Ironman wins.
Batman was very ambitious. Lots going on in this movie. Sometimes that felt a bit like the movie lost it's focus and it is very long.
Aaron Eckhart's arc from Harvey Deant to Two Face was very well done. And the CGI of two face side - very creepy looking - In fact it was almost hard to look at. He is the hope for Gotham that Batman can never be and then it all goes horribly wrong - a simple game of the Jokers.
Heath Ledger is just as amazing as everyone has said. he captures the Whimsy and menace that is the Joker! I NEVER liked Jack's Joker from the first batman movie - too much of a clown. Heath just got it right. He has that sense of chaos and unpredictability that is needed for the Joker to be Batman's ultimate nemesis.
They play a lot on the idea that batman and the Joker opposite sides of the same coin. The Joker sees making The Bat kill - breaking his one cardinal rule - as being his ultimate challenge. In trying to break the bat he creates a lot of chaos and tension along the way.
Bruce Wayne continues to fool himself into believing that someday Gotham won't need the bat but we all know he would never be able to stop being the Bat.
So over all it was good. It felt like something was missing - maybe because it was too long - maybe because it was so dark - it didn't rise to the level of Batman Begins for me. I still recommend it for Heath's performance alone.
A few Ironman vs. Batman thoughts
Ironman's Tony Stark is all about the joy of being able to help and doing the right thing. This is a character who's playboy persona is the real Tony. But Bruce's Playboy is a necessary evil to protect the bat. Batman is all about the mind and the things we do to cope with the darkness inside ourselves. There are actually three faces of Bruce - the real one, the playboy and the bat. Tony has one - he's a rich guy who flies in a suit. For my money - I'll take Tony every time
So - I'm curious if you have seen both - Which do you prefer.