The World As We Know It (2/7) - Immortal!Dean - SPN/FF/HL/SV

May 05, 2008 19:03

Title: The World As We Know It (2/7)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Pen37
Rated: PG
spoilers: For the movie Serenity: The plot goes AU from the end of the movie
Prompt: #13 Yellow for crossovers100 my table is here
Fandom: Firefly, Highlander, SPN & SV. The rest of the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here.
Characters: From FF: Mal, Zoe, Wash, River, Jayne, Simon, Inara, Kaylee. From I!D 'Verse: Dean Winchester, Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan and Sam Winchester.

Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: The story begins at the moment that Since I found Serenity ends. Sam and Dean have been reunited aboard Serenity. Somehow Sam has been reincarnated 500 years in the future. Now the Immortal hunters and the firefly crew have to figure out what really happened on Miranda and who created the Reavers

Chapter Summary: The crew discusses what happened on Miranda and speculates on the origin of Reavers

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5: Chapter 6; Chapter 7

Chapter Two

It had been a long day but Serenity’s crew still hadn’t had the opportunity to share what had happened to them during the battle with the Reavers.

“Captain, who wants to start?” Mac asked.

“Haven’t we done enough talking for one day?” Jayne groused. “I’m tired of sitting around and these ‘guests’ ain’t even shellin' out for our time. Shouldn’t we be out looking for a payin’ job?”

“Sittin' here don't cost much.” Mal said pinning Jayne with a stare. “'Sides, we have information they need. Jobs ‘ll still be there.”

Inara had been silent during the discussion about Sam but she knew that look in her Captain’s eye and wasn’t about to let him off the hook. “Be honest, Mal. This isn’t just about giving them information, is it? You’re feeling the need to lend a helping hand.” She prompted.

Mal’s mouth quirked into a sheepish grin. “Don’t see no harm in doin’ our part.” He insisted and added, “We can leave you and your shuttle on Persephone if you have business to attend to.”

“I'm not about to let you go traipsing about without me. Someone has to be the voice of reason.” She grinned.

“Seems to me you’ve left before.” Mal quipped. “Did just fine without ya.”

“Right.” Inara said drolly. “So there wasn’t an assassin chasing you when you invaded the training house?”

Mal shrugged. “I won didn’t I?”

Inara rolled her eyes.

“Now wait a minute.” Jayne protested; interrupting the verbal foreplay escalating between the Captain and the Companion. “I didn’t sign on to fight Tian sha de e mo. Ain’t no profit in that.”

Dean snorted. “Ain’t that the truth.”

“You do get paid to hunt, don’t you?” Wash asked. “Otherwise why do it?”

“Family business.” Sam replied automatically. Dean smiled at his little brother. It seemed that Sam had at least shed any residual doubts about what the Winchester family was meant to do.

Dean wanted to drag Sam off and spend some time getting to know this younger version of his brother again. After 500 years, patience still did not come easy to him but the knowledge that this time he’d have an eternity with Sam made it easier to wait and put the job first.

“We do get paid.” Chloe said. “The council supports active hunters with a stipend and if they actually send them off on hunts they pay extra. Believe me, if you need compensation for the time it takes to tell your story, we can finance that.”

“But you’ve got to admit darlin’, it’s barely a living wage. “ Dean said.

“Beats hustling pool and credit card fraud, don’t ya' think?” Chloe snickered.

“Hey the risk was half the fun of hunting.”

“Not much risk when you can’t die.” Chloe retorted

“You run a scams?” Kalyee asked giggling. “Sounds like they’d fit right in. Ain’t that so, Cap’n?”

“You know we don’t go breakin' the law unless we got no choice.” Mal protested.

“It does always seem to be the better choice, sir.” Zoe deadpanned.

“If it ain’t illegal, it just ain’t as much fun. But the Boy Scout there had different ideas.” Dean said jerking his thumb toward Duncan.

“It’s never a good idea for Immortals to spend time behind bars.” Duncan said. “Sooner or later, someone notices the lack-of-wrinkles. And stop calling me Boy Scout.”

“He hates that nickname.” Richie leaned over to whisper to Sam.

“Can do, pony tail.” Dean grinned. “I still think the ‘verse owes us more than a few illegal games of chance can ever repay.”

“He hates that one only slightly less.” Richie informed Sam. Sam nodded. It seemed Richie had appointed himself Sam’s official translator.

Sam whispered back to his new friend. “It’s ok Rich. I may not know Mac but I speak fluent Dean.”

Richie gave himself an exaggerated smack to the head. “Right, of course you do.”

“I like the way you think, Winchester.” Jayne laughed. “So if this council is gonna pay us for our help on this ..whatcha call it…this hunt? Then I’m in.”

Sam rolled his eyes. It seemed Dean hadn’t changed that much and the combination of him and Jayne just screamed chaos.

“We have no intention of bringing you along on this investigation.” Duncan said.

“Civilians got no place on a hunt.” Dean added.

“Now hold on there.” Mal protested. “Figured we’d be sharin' in your mission.”

The room erupted once again into a cacophony of overlapping voices. Chloe watched as the disharmony escalated between the civilians and the hunters. She caught Zoe’s eye across the room and the two women came to a silent understanding: their men were out of control.

A piercing whistle cut through the conflict and the men trailed into silence; all eyes on Chloe. “ Gou huang tang!” She commanded as she stood. “Time for the boys to sit down and be quiet.” She glared at Mal and Duncan. Both men silently took their seats. A conciliatory glance passed between them confirming that neither wanted to confront the spirited blonde.

Chloe took control of the meeting. “We can decide later who goes or doesn’t go. Right now we need to hear what happened on Miranda and after. So no more arguing until that’s done. Dong le ma?” Chloe stood, hands on hips, daring any of the group to challenge her newly established authority.

Sam leaned over to Dean and whispered. “Impressive.”

His brother grinned. “That’s my girl,” then looked up to see Chloe glaring at him.

“Something you want to share?”

Dean said nothing but raised his hands in a gesture of surrender that had his “little brothers” snickering.

“Sam, Richie?” She shifted her stare to them and the snickering stopped. “Good. Now who wants to start with what happened after Serenity crashed on Mr. Universe’s moon? And while you're at it, describe exactly what happened with the Reavers.”

Chloe looked at the faces assembled around the table. Everyone was suddenly reluctant to speak up.

“Captain went to post the signal and we barricaded ourselves in the passageway.” Zoe began, breaking the silence. “Reavers were coming. We could hear them. Don’t remember much of what happened, truth be told.” She looked over at her husband.

Wash reached out and squeezed her hand. “Guess me dying had you kind of preoccupied.”

“Guess so.”

“Sam drew them funny symbols on the floor.” Kaylee picked up the story.

“The devil’s trap.” Chloe said.

“That’s right.” Kaylee said. “There was lots of shootin' and we was waiting for the Reavers to break through.”

“That’s when I began the chanting.” Sam said. “River too once she’d heard me do it. We had to shout to be heard over the gunfire.”

“So many.” River whispered. “Too many.”

“Reavers just started turning to yellow dust.” Jayne said. “Ain’t never seen anything like it. They just disappeared.”

“Wait. There were no bodies?” Chloe asked for clarification.

“The shot ones had bodies.” Kaylee offered. “But the others. Big piles of yellow dust.”

“And don’t forget the smell.” Inara reminded Kaylee.

“Yeah like rotten eggs.” The engineer confirmed wrinkling her nose at the memory.

“Sulfur.” Simon said. “It was definitely a sulfur smell. They didn’t just disappear. The bodies seemed to shrivel up and turn to dust. As if the smoke leaving their mouths sucked all the moisture out of their bodies.”

“That true Sam?” Dean asked his brother. “That’s not a typical possession.”

Sam shook his head. His face showed his own confusion over the whole thing. “I can’t explain it Dean. They weren’t like any demons we’d ever faced. They could be shot and killed but the chanting literally dissolved them.”

Dean sat back in his chair to absorb this information.

“I’m guessing that ain’t typical demon behavior.” Mal said as he noticed the similar looks of confusion on his guest’s faces.

Chloe was lost in thought and when she didn’t respond, Richie answered.

“When the demon leaves, the person they were possessing reemerges.” he explained. “That’s happened at every exorcism I’ve ever seen.”

“Did smoke leave the bodies of the shot Reavers?” Duncan asked.

“Nope.” Jayne answered. “They's just regular dead.”

The five Hunter’s looked at each other hoping, that given the 2,000 plus years of supernatural experience between them, they might have clue as to what was happening.

Dean looked at Sam specifically. He’d always been the one with the big idea. “Come on Sam you’ve had months to think about this. What’s going on in that big brain of yours?”

Sam snorted. “I did wonder if the PAX somehow opened the victims up for possession but that it also prevented the demon from leaving if they had a mortal death. The strain of extricating the demon sucked the life out of the body and...”

“Dusted it.” Dean finished.

Kaylee waved her hand at Sam as if they were in a classroom. “Did the PAX turn them into demons or not?” she asked.

The hunters ignored her question for the moment.

“I’ve never heard of a chemical treatment to create possession.” Duncan said. “Usually all it takes is a weak will.”

Sam sat up straighter as an epiphany hit. “It’s like the demon virus in Oregon. You remember Dean?”

Dean paused trying to shift through 500 year-old memories. “Virus turned the whole town mean and crazy and then they all disappeared. You were infected but turned out to be immune.” Dean’s eyes went wide. “you thinking-”

Sam nodded.

“But that would mean-”

Everyone waited patiently as Dean and Sam’s half-spoken brainstorming continued.

Richie leaned over to bump Mac on the shoulder. He grinned and tilted his head toward the brothers. Mac nodded in agreement. It was incredibly satisfying after all these years to watch the classic Winchester interaction at play.

Dean huffed out a sigh as the conversation ended. “Ok then.” He looked out at the curious faces and explained about the first time he and Sam had run into a demonic virus.

“I’m guessing this might be similar. Get infected and you become a Reaver. It’s only blind luck that none of you were infected during the battle.” He finished.

“So they are demons?” Kaylee asked.

“Not exactly.” Sam said. “I’m guessing Reavers are demonic in nature; like a vampire. Blood exchange changes a human into something else; no longer human but not really a full demon. Exorcism works only partially because their very nature has been compromised.”

“We need to know more about the virus. Hell, we need to really confirm that it is a virus.” Dean said.

“I haven’t been able to find any information about the formulation of PAX. Other than the vid you found on Miranda indicating it was supposed to be a mood enhancer, I got nothing. It’s like the chemical doesn’t exist.” Chloe admitted.

Simon snorted. “It probably doesn’t any more. The Alliance is usually very good about covering their tracks.”

“They never thought anyone would be reckless enough to try and reach Miranda and the truth.” Duncan said.

“Guess they never met, Mal.” Zoe deadpanned.

“But why would anyone do this to people on purpose?” Inara asked. “It’s not like the Reavers can be controlled or commanded as an army.”

“That’s a good question.” Sam admitted. “I’m only guessing but maybe the PAX didn’t work as expected and the experiment was abandoned. Whoever started this probably figured the Reavers would die off eventually.”

“So it’s possible, somewhere, someone is working on PAX version 2.” Simon suggested. “Trying to create similar creatures but ones that are controllable.”

The group went silent as the implication of the doctor’s suggestion sank in.

“Hunt’s clear.” Dean said. “We find the evil Wang ba dan and shut down his creature factory.”

“Wait a minute Dean.” Richie said. “This is all just speculation. We still don’t really know what Reavers are.”

“Richie’s right.” Chloe said. “I think we need to capture a Reaver to know for sure what we’re dealing with.”

“Fine by me” Dean said clapping his hands together. “Time to go Reaver hunting.”

“Now yer talkin’” Jayne agreed. “We’d get paid for that right?”

SOB: Wang ba dan
G**d*mn monsters: Tian sha de e mo
Are we clear?: Dong le ma

richie ryan, dean winchester, duncan macleod, supernatural, crossovers100, highlander, my fic, chloe sullivan, firefly, smallville

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