30 Days of Shipping Meme - Day 15 & 16

Jun 20, 2012 12:09

I have missed a few days because of traveling for work but I'm back and ready to think shippy

Snagged fromdragonsinger

Day 15: A ship canon really messed with: Wash and Zoe from Firefly - When you kill one half of a couple it kind of ends the romance. I really liked them together and I loved loved loved Wash. I loved that Zoe was the kick ass warrior who protected him. They were a really different kind of couple. Since Firefly didn't last very long (damn you FOX), we really didn't get to see their relationship in depth and then Wash got Jossed. Then I did what any fanfiction writer is obligated to do - I made Wash Immortal so that he and Zoe could be together.

Day 16: Favorite villain pairing - Boris and Natasha. I really couldn't think of one so I went for the fun choice. It's all about the accents!

Day 1: Your first ship ever! - Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet
Day 2: A pairing you just discovered! - Black Widow and Hawkeye
Day 3: Your OTP - Dean & Chloe
Day 4: Favorite crack pairing - Rick Castle/Capt Jack Harkness
Day 5: A crossover pairing you think would work - Dean & Chloe
Day 6: Series that you have many ships in - Bones
Day 7: A pairing that disappointed you - Tony/Ziva
Day 8: A pairing only you seem to like - Richie Ryan/Jo Harvelle
Day 9: Your least favorite couple - House/Cuddy
Day 10: Ship that became canon even though you didn’t expect it to - Chloe Sullivan/Oliver Queen
Day 11: Character you like with several others - Captain Jack Harkness
Day 12: Character you don’t like seeing paired with anyone else - Peter Bishop/Olivia Dunham
Day 13: Couple you ship that causes intense feelings in its fandom (read: flamewars and the like) - Female OCs
Day 14: Couple you liked even though you knew it would end up badly - Charlotte Sparrow/Chris Larabee

Day 15: A ship canon really messed with - Wash/Zoe
Day 16: Favorite villain pairing - Boris/Natasha

Day 17: Ship you talk(ed) about with people in real life
Day 18: Most annoying character that tried to come between a ship
Day 19: Favorite Hero/Villain pairing
Day 20: Favorite couple played for laughs
Day 21: Favorite opposites attract couple
Day 22: Saddest unrequited love
Day 23: Couple you only shipped after a long time
Day 24: Couple you like, but is overshadowed by another couple in a fandom
Day 25: Most popular couple in your favorite fandom (do you ship it too?)
Day 26: Best historical couple
Day 27: Another couple you shipped a long time ago
Day 28: A couple you shipped not nearly as long as you thought you would
Day 29: Favorite ‘birds of a feather flock together’ couple
Day 30: Couple you will still ship a few years from now

30 days, shipping, meme

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