The Prodigal Muse Returns - Crack Fic with a side of Mag7 (1/1)

Jul 30, 2010 00:46

Remember this story, A Muse Explains It All, that I wrote two years ago? Of course you do! Well, this is the sequel; now with a dash of slash and twice the crack.

Title: The Prodigal Muse Returns
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: ithildyn
Rating: PG13 for one M/M kiss
Fandom: What passes for the real world in my mind and Mag7 (OW)
Characters: Cathy the Writer, The Muse, JD Dunne, Ezra and Buck
Warning: Carrie made me write JD Dunne slash…well semi slash…sort of…anyway it's all her fault!!
Disclaimer: The Mag7 boys are not mine - life is so unfair - I'm just borrowing. Also, all Monty Python references are purely intentional.

Summary: A muse tries to justify her six month absence to an irate fanfiction writer

A/N: This was written for sparrowsverse. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CARRIE! Only you could get me to write JD Dunne man-kissing. BUT before the slash there must be crack….

The Prodigal Muse Returns

Our intrepid writer, Cathy, settled on the sofa and opened her laptop. (Remember Cathy from that other story? Good!) Writing had been a struggle lately. It was painfully obvious that her muse had decided to take an extended vacation. While said muse was probably lounging on a beach in Bali, Cathy was left without inspiration.

She stared at the blank page, willing something to magically appear. Not being able to write had been eating away at her until she felt her only choice was to screw inspiration and just power through it.

A promise had been made over six months ago that she would attempt a slash story for a flister and she was determined to fulfill that promise. (She'd also promised to write a Doctor Who crossover, but that wasn't likely to happen unless she miraculously woke up British one morning.)

"And what about the promise you made to me?" a familiar voice rang out from across the room. "Remember! You said no more crazy slashy stories after the last time."

Cathy looked up to see her wayward muse, dressed in her customary toga, looking tanned and fit and rather pissed off.

"You disappeared," Cathy shot back. "I didn't think our agreement was still valid, and at this point, I'll attempt just about anything, including slash, to get something on the page."

The muse crossed the room to stare down at Cathy. "You didn't seem interested in writing, so I took a vacation. But now I see the truth. You don't want to write the fun crossovers anymore. You want to attempt…slash!" Her dismissive tone indicated exactly how she felt about that alternative type of fiction.

Cathy moved her laptop aside and stood to face her muse. "You think I want to write slash! I just want to write something. But you…you decided to get a tan instead of being here doing your job!" Cathy waved a hand at the golden glow that emanated from Zoot's (Oh, wicked, bad, naughty Zoot) overly bronzed skin.

Zoot pouted. "I thought you'd be happy to see me!"

Cathy snorted. "You abandon me for six months and expect me to be overjoyed that you've graced me with your presence?" In truth, she was happy. Attempting to write slash had brought her Muse home once before and Cathy was surprised Zoot had fallen for it again.

"I know you've been working on that Mag7/Highlander AU. And what about that spawn story? I've sent you some ideas and you know it!"

"Vague flashes of insight don't count." Cathy hadn't been able to hold onto any plot bunnies long enough to grab its inspiration. (The last bunny had a vicious streak a mile wide and she decided it wasn't worth the fight.) "So get your act together and do your job!"

"I'm not helping you write slash, and certainly not slash about JD Dunne! That's just wrong and you know it!"

"It's a gift and I promised!" Cathy sighed. In the future, she'd have to remember not to drink so much before going onto Yahoo chat and getting roped into making such promises, but that was a moot point now.

"How about finishing the Reaver apocalypse story?"

Cathy hesitated. That story had gone unfinished for almost a year.

Zoot smiled. "That's a good little writer. Let's get back to those four fandom crossovers that are your forte."

"Stop that!" Cathy willed herself to not be tempted by her muse. Not when she had a promise to keep.

But Zoot seemed to sense her indecision and she continued to remind Cathy of the many half finished stories on her laptop. "Or maybe you'd prefer to finish the story about Shawn and Gus investigating Methos. Even better, let's have Castle kill another Immortal. Those stories were a big hit!"

Now the muse was just playing dirty. If she let Zoot win, Cathy would never be the one in control.

Cathy took a deep breath and let it out as she came to the difficult decision. "Are you going to help me write this slash story or not?"

The two stared at each other. Cathy giving her muse the best version of the Chris Larabee glare that she could muster.

Finally Zoot broke contact and stepped back. "If that's what you really want…," she said with a shrug, "But after, we finish that Ironman story."

Cathy cheered inside. (It's a proven fact that no one can fail to obey a good Larabee glare). "I promise!"

"Well then, let's get started." The muse plopped onto the sofa and indicated that Cathy should join her.

Cathy was about to sit down when Zoot held up a hand. "Wait!"

"What is it now?" An exasperated sigh escaped her lips.

"If we are going to do this, I need cheese!"

You knew it was coming, so here it is a JD slash story. (This is what happens when you feed your muse too much cheese)

The Power of Cheese

JD looked up into the greenest eyes he'd ever seen and smiled. He couldn't believe this was finally going to happen

Ezra ran a hand through JD's long brown hair and leaned in to plant a kiss upon his lips. Without breaking contact, Ezra carefully maneuvered the younger man across the room.

As the back of JD's knees hit the mattress, Ezra broke contact to push him down onto the feather bed. "Are you sure?" he asked as he lay down beside JD.

He nodded enthusiastically. "I'm sure." JD's eyes drifted across the room as he called out, "Hey Buck… Buck…"

Buck frowned. What was he doing in this room; watching this bizarre scene?

"Buck! Wake up."

Buck Wilmington jerked awake to find JD and Ezra standing over him. He glanced wildly around to see that he was seated at their customary table in the saloon.

"You must be tired," JD laughed. "You fell asleep sitting at the table."

"Maybe you should retire to your quarters. It has been a long day."

As Buck looked frantically between his two friends, the plot of his dream slammed into him. He stood so quickly that his chair fell over and he almost lost his balance.

Ezra reached out to steady the bigger man, who jumped back from the contact. "Is everything all right, Mr. Wilmington? You don't look well."

Buck opened and closed his mouth as he tried to shake the last vestiges of the dream from his mind. "I gotta go," he said abruptly and bolted out the batwing doors of the saloon.

JD and Ezra shared a concerned look for their friend.

"Whatcha think that was all about?"

"I have no idea." Ezra seated himself at the table and examined the plate of food that Buck had left behind.

"Hey, cheese!" JD said as he grabbed a hunk of cheddar off the abandoned plate and plopped it in his mouth.

"I wouldn't do that…"

crack, writing, mag7, my fic, muse

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