By Any Other Name (3/6) - SPN/FF/HL/SV - Immortal!Dean Universe

Mar 13, 2009 10:01

Title: By Any Other Name (3/6)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Pen37
Rated: PG - 13
spoilers: For the movie Serenity: The series goes AU from the end of the movie
Prompt: #43 Square for crossovers100 my table is here
Fandom: Firefly, Highlander, Supernatural & Smallville. The rest of the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here.

Characters: From FF: Mal, Zoe, Wash, River, Jayne, Simon, Inara, Kaylee. From I!D 'Verse: Dean Winchester, Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan and Sam Winchester. Dean/Chloe, Richie/River

Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: The Immortal!Hunters and Mal's crew stop on Persephone where they run into some Alliance trouble. Sam's abilities continue to evolve leading to more questions.

A/N: This is the forth story in the "Immortal!Dean in the Firefly 'verse" which started with:
Since I Found Serenity; The World as We Know It; Into the Coming Storm

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6

Chapter 3

Once back in familiar surroundings Mal began barking orders. Getting everyone working so they didn’t think about the five unconscious men now lying in Serenity’s cargo bay or if what Sam had done might bring the Alliance or worse demons to their doorstep any minute.

“Kaylee get these engines going. Wash get up front and let’s get this bird flying. Simon,” he waved a hand at the doctor, “go do what ever it is you do.”

Kaylee scurried to the engine room with Jayne, who was toting her supplies.

Mal looked around, allowing himself a small sense of relief as everyone fell into well-known patterns.

“Good to be home,” Zoe said, echoing his thoughts.

Mal smirked. “I’ll let you know once we’re airborne.”

Dean hadn’t taken his eyes off Sam as they stood in the cargo bay. “You gonna explain what happened?” he asked again. Mal, Inara and Zoe joined them, adding their desire for an explanation to Dean’s.

“I will but I’d like us to get Serenity to the rendezvous point outside of town and explain it to everyone at the same time. Honestly, I’m not sure I have it all figured out yet.”

“Guess it’ll keep.” Mal moved away to begin other preflight checks.

Dean huffed his disapproval but didn’t push. Instead, he left to help Kaylee with the engines. If Sam was going to be all cryptic and uncooperative, he was feeling the need to be somewhere else.

He ran into Kaylee on her way back to the cargo bay. She was in a panic. “Hey Half-pint, slow down. What happened?”

She ignored him as she raced by.

He threw a questioning look at Jayne who was right behind her but the big man shrugged and just kept following.

Dean was getting really tired of being ignored today. Kaylee was already babbling at Mal by the time he got back to the cargo bay

“Some Qing wa kao de liu mang has been in my engine room!” she yelled. Liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben er zi.

“Whoa Kaylee! Slow down.” Mal had to work hard not to smirk at the curses coming out of the petite engineer’s mouth. He put a hand on each of Kaylee's shoulders encouraging her to breathe in and out with him until she was calm. “Ok?” he asked.

When she nodded, Mal released her and indicated that she should start again.

“We’ve been sabotaged,” Kaylee said. “I ain’t gonna get her into the black. No way, no how. Ain’t got the parts or the time.”

“Gou neong yung de!”

“What do we do now, sir?” Zoe asked.

Mal ignored her as he continued cursing and pacing around the cargo bay.

“Exactly,” Kaylee said as Mal repeated some of her more colorful expressions. “It ain’t right. Serenity don’t deserve to be treated like that.”

“Hey, Mal!” Wash’s voice drew their attention to the stairway as he descended to join them. “You aren’t gonna like this -”

“Let me guess we’re missing vital components to fly her.”

“That’s right -” Wash looked surprised as Mal waved him off. As he came to stand beside Zoe, he asked, “How did he know?”

“Engine’s been tampered with too,” she whispered back.

“Oh.” Wash mouthed, then whispered. “Thought we might have another physic on board.”

Zoe snickered softly but sent him a look indicating that he needed to be quiet now.

Mal clenched his fist and pounded on the top of the nearest crate. “Gorram Alliance!”

“I’m sorry,” Sam said. “It’s my fault. They want me and they are using you.”

Mal huffed out a breath. “Ain’t your fault. We all agreed to go Reaver hunting.”

“If you hadn’t rescued me from Miranda--”

“I hate to intrude on the moment,” Dean said. “But Sam’s little stunt outside may be drawing some attention. We need to lock this ship down and head back to the Impala.”

“Now just a minute,” Mal snapped. “We can’t abandon my ship.”

“Mal,” Inara said placing a hand on his arm to stop his protests. “We have no choice.”

“I know you love this puppy,” Dean said sympathetically. “But we can’t do anything for her now. Besides it’s better we travel together, especially now that we know they’re looking for us.”

“I gotta agree with Winchester,” Jayne chimed in. “Safety in numbers.”

“All y’all feel this way?” Mal asked looking at his crew who all nodded, some reluctantly. “Really?” he added not ready to admit defeat.

“The Alliance won’t hurt Serenity if there is still the possibility that they can use her as bait,” Sam reminded him.

“She better be in once piece when we get back,” Kaylee added.

Mal’s eyes opened wider in panic. “You don’t think they’d-”

“We don’t have time for you to be comfortable with the idea of abandoning your ship,” Dean said

“But- ” Mal looked longingly at his prized possession.

“Dean’s right sir, we have to go now.” Zoe moved to open cargo bay doors waiting for Mal’s signal to usher everyone out.

Dejectedly, Mal nodded and waved everyone toward the exit

Dean understood how Mal felt, he wouldn’t have been happy to leave the Impala behind but they didn’t have a choice and he didn’t have time to hold the man’s hand either.

“If it makes you feel any better, the council’ll probably buy you a new ship if you sign on as a full time hunting crew.”

"No, it doesn't." Sparing one last glance at Serenity, Mal followed Dean away from his ship. “After this is over, I’m coming back for her.”

Dean snorted. “Here’s hoping there is an after.” Experience told him there usually was but it wasn’t always pretty.


They returned to the Impala and in a mirror image of Mal’s behavior earlier, Dean entered the cargo bay shouting orders.

“Wash find Richie and get us in the air. Kaylee -“

“Engine room! Yes sir!” She giggled and fled up the stairs.

Jayne and Zoe were busy returning supplies to the hold. Dean and the others were half way up the stairs when they ran into Duncan.

“What’s going on Dean?” Duncan asked. “Why is everyone back?”

“We ran into some Reavers.”

“What! Where?” Duncan sputtered as he followed Dean, who never broke stride, heading for their central gathering space.

“Sam’s gonna explain it all once were into the black.” He glared back at his brother. “Aren’t you, Sam?”

“Yeah, I have a theory at least.”

They trooped into the dining space and began settling around the room.

Dean smiled as he felt the engines flair to life. He spotted Chloe engrossed in some research at her command center unaware of the clamor behind her. He was always amazed at how focused she could be in the midst of chaos.

Coming up behind her, he laid a hand on her shoulder and she turned to smile up at him. “Hey you,” she said.

He never got tired of seeing that smile directed at him and couldn’t resist stealing a quick kiss before gesturing to the others in the room.

“If I can tear you away, we’ve got a problem.”

Her smiled turned to a frown as she spotted the members of Serenity’s crew. “What happened?”

He was about to respond when the gathering was interrupted by a blur, as River launched her self at Sam who caught her in a big hug.

“Hey Mei-Mei, good to see you too.” Sam laughed as he released her.

She was grinning at him. “The link. You’re the link,” River said. “It’s happened.”

“What the hell is she babbling about now?” Dean demanded.

River glided over to him and reached up to stroke his cheek. Dean flinched away before contact could be made. He couldn’t help it. Something about their resident crazy person still gave him the creeps, especially when she went all cryptic on them.

“It was with you,” she said dropping her hand.

“Sam!” Dean growled trying to ignore the stare that River had leveled at him.

Sam put a hand on River and turned her toward him. "Please help me understand," he entreated the enigmatic oracle. "Will you explain what's going on?" When River just smiled and glided over to sit next to her brother, Sam sighed, "No of course not."

Simon, worry etched on his face, reached out to take his sister's hand. “River?” he asked, tentatively.

“It’s ok, Simon." She was still smiling. “Sam is complete now.”

He looked from his sister to Sam who shook his head, unable to decipher River's proclamations, causing Simon to smile. “Yeah, she can be that way.”

Dean didn’t like what he was seeing. River already had Richie under her spell, he wasn’t about to let Sam follow her lead.

“How about you knock off the cryptic oracle act," he demanded, "and tell us what the hell is going on -” Dean felt the air whoosh out of his lungs as an elbow impacted his side.

“Behave yourself, Dean.” Chloe smiled sweetly as if she hadn’t just tried to crack one of his ribs. “One thing at a time, I’m still wondering why we had to leave Serenity behind.” She gestured to Mal for an explanation.

“Gorram Alliance messed with my ship,” Mal grumbled.

“We couldn’t fix Serenity,” Inara added. “Not in the time we had.”

“Had Reaver soldiers waiting for us,” Zoe said.

“After Sam and Dean took ‘em out with their mojo,” Mal picked up the thread of the narrative, “figured more alliance would be on us soon.”

“Reaver soldiers? Mojo?” Chloe asked.

The representatives from Serenity all looked to Sam. “Best you explain what you did,” Mal said. “I still ain’t sure what happened.”

Sam ran a hand through his hair. “Everyone settle in. This may take some time.”

Some Helpful Firefly Phrases
Goddamn: Gorram
No way: Cai bu shi
Awesome: Gao gan
Crap: Gou shi
Son of a Bitch: Gou neong yung de!

river tam, richie ryan, immortal!dean, dean winchester, jayne cobb, duncan macleod, supernatural, sam winchester, crossovers100, highlander, my fic, chloe sullivan, firefly, smallville, mal reynolds

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