Things I would like: a Christmas list

Dec 17, 2005 18:59

A brown belt
A new watch
A new clock for my room (I just don't have one I can never tell what time it is in my room)
A power cord and rechargeable battery pack for my camera

Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams
Nueromancer by William Gibson
Snow Crash by Neal Stephanson
Slaughter House V by Kurt Vonnegut
The Dark Tower 1 The Gunslinger by Stephen King
Kingdom Come by Alex Ross and Mark Waid
Marvels by Alex Ross and Kurt Busiek
Sin City: Hell and Back by Frank Miller
Jimmy Corigan the Smartest Kid in the World
Fables volume 1

Video Games:
my PS2 is having disc read errors again so I'm not even bothering with all the games I want for it
Gunstar Super Heroes for the Game Boy Advance
Wario Ware Twisted for the Game Boy Advance
Dr. Mario/Puzzle League for the Game Boy Advance
Resident Evil 4 for the Gamecube
Ultimate Spider-Man for the Gamecube
Viewtiful Joe for the Gamecube
Half Life for the PC (the original not Half Life 2 since my computer is crappy and I don't want the story to be ruined by playing them out of order)

The Warriors
The Life Aquatic
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