subject? psh. oh wait...

Nov 24, 2008 17:28

thursday me and chels went out to the cavern with the intention of seeing the wonderful romp almighty. unfortunately i thought she went on at 10:30...we got there at 10:40....they went on at 10. we got there in time to catch the last half of the last song. we stayed anyways to have a drink...and mainly because we had already paid $6 to get in. so in our sadness we stayed to see if the next band was any good.

we ended up leaving cause the next band wasn't really to our liking AND because we just felt so out of place there. we felt like we were little kids with all the adults. the people there weren't OLD. just a little bit older and on top of that we already look like 17 year olds to begin with. yes, it was a 21 and up show. but i think  we were the only 21 year olds there that had just barely turned 21.

so we left.

we headed to the barley house for comfort, familiar surroundings, and of course amazingly cheap drinks.  vodka tonic for $2..uh, yes. count me in sir. we stayed there for a bit. only had one drink. we were both a bit hungry and i mentioned that thai food would be great. chelsea agreed but was angered that i mentioned it cause  it was like midnight..probably that was out. until i remembered nandinas. i love greenville. every craving you have is available to you on that street till like 3am.

so to nandinas we went. ordered our delicious food along with a gummy bear shot. talk about yum. completely smelled and tasted like a gummy bear. well, a vodka soaked gummy bear. but still. we chat chat chatted and then we finally left.

i drove us back to my house which was an adventure in itself. chels feel asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow...which always happens. i dont know how that girl does it. it takes her no time to fall asleep. i stayed up to watch some bstarg. i declared this my last real outing for awhile till i get a job. had my fun.


chels picked me up coming back from keene. we chilled, drove around and went to a store to pick up a gift for andy for his bday. at around 8 we went to twisted root burger in deep ellum for andys bday get together. awesome burger place. stayed there for awhile. talked to andy for a bit and invited him to a tonite tonite show. went back to chels place then went to entertainmart. they freakin close at midnight on fridays. what the hell. went back to chelseas. watched some bstarg. then went to sleep. and in the morning chels took me home.

saturday was wonderful nothingness. and sunday was the season finale of true blood. have to wait until freakin summer for more. too long....season finale of entourage but for once it didn't end on a "wtf!?" i can wait.still have 3 more episodes of dexter which is fantastic. and i'm loving summer heights high.

tonight is CBS night. woo-whoness. and i have to catch up with some shows via webness.

seriously and honestly. creepy guys, assholes or creepy assholes. only guys i ever attract.  and when there's FINALLY someone that i like(very RARELY happens)that actually seems to like me back their too shy to ever do anything about it. either that or i'm their backup..their plan b. their "i'll entertain the thought of you and lead you on quite a bit till someone better comes along". sadly, i can come up with many examples for all the things above and solid proof to my thinking. the ONLY person that doesn't fall under any of those categories, i fucked up with a long time ago. i don't even remember how our friendship disintegrated. which makes me the bitch...this i know. i want to reconnect with him so badly. he wants to see me too, so i've heard from a mutual friend. thats something i suppose. at least he doesn't' hate me. but i have been told that he doesn't have the loveliest of memories of me. which i understand. it was a suck situation when we became friends. i fucked up ever so badly. there was really nothing i could do. now years have passed and i want to see him. if nothing than to at least be his friend again. i've been thinking about him for the last couple of years. i genuinely miss the dude.

alright. enough of the overly cliche journaling.

time to finally get my lazy ass out of bed.

i need to do something about this unemployment thing....


weekend, rant

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